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Ser Arthur Dayne's Dawn - Sword mod


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I've been looking around for quite some time now, hoping that someone already made a mod of this exceptional fighters exceptional weapon, but I haven't had any success at all until now. Now I'm humbly asking You, my fellow Skyrim and Game of Thrones fans! Could someone with the talent and passion of sword-mod making create a sword mod of the Game of Thrones show version of Ser Arthur Dayne's legendary meteorite steel blade sword Dawn? Maybe a one and a two handed version too, although I'd be satisfied with just a one handed version too!


I'm sure both me and the entire gaming community would be very grateful for such a magnificent mod by one of you magnificent modders!


I'm grateful for any effort in advance!


Have a nice day my friends, and good modding, if you decide to do this request! :smile:


(I'm attaching a picture of the sword just in case any of you wonderful people could not find it, which I'm sure is absolutely impossible in any way :wink: )

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It just got what I call FinalFantasyfied! Ridiculously large weapons that no one could wield properly.


Usually I'm able to size these weapons down to a more "realistic" size and it takes less than a minute to convert it into a one handed sword but in this case it's not possible since the proportions are not correct. It will always look wrong. Too bad!


But maybe the author will grant your request.

Edited by Novem99
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I was able to reduce the sword's size with RaceMenu, and make it a one-handed weapon with the Unlocked Grip mod. The only problem is that because the reduced size of the sword, now arrows are also reduced in size, and they look incredibly stupid on the normal sized bows xD

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