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Someone need a model today?


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Hey, I've got a spare day and thought why not starting helping out in the Nexus Community. I'm using mods for some time now, played around with the creation kit but never got into it. But I'm doing Blender for 4 years now (example of my work: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/288685718232891392/291650689640300550/bilder.jpg) and would like to help out for objects like scopes, mags, etc.. I can also do some texturing in Quixel, but I'd like to keep it in the time scope of 1-2 days (for now, bc life :confused:) Describe your need and I'll look what I can do.


I hope I can help you!

Edited by arnox2012
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Thank you very much for your generous offer!! Have you looked into Mod Requests (https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/3515-fallout-4-mod-requests/) to see if you might find a request there that may catch your fancy? I'm sure that they would appreciate that.



The Rabbit

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I dont know if this is in your realm but Im looking for a completely blank, no texture body model (preferably female and male) for a tattoo mod for Skyrim. I see that your stuff is Fallout directed but have noticed that the body models are similar. Essentially I just need the body texture removed and maybe the body expanded (like a stroke) to prevent clipping.


Either way, Thanks


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@Rabbit 51 Thank you for the hint, I'll have a look!

@clearfrequency If you need the body model from the game files, I am not good enough at the modding pipeline to extract it, neither I am focused on modelling organic stuff :/ ...I hope you find a way to do it!

Edited by arnox2012
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