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Game freezing on area transition


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This problem has started recently. Within the last week. Up until now the game has run flawlessly. When I move to a new area through a portal such as a door or any instance that a new cell is being loaded the game will freeze. This doesn't happen every time, but it does happen often enough that the game is currently unplayable. When I reload the game from the auto save at area transition I'm in the new area just fine. This also happens when entering new areas outdoors. Such as moving near a cave and having the name of the cave show on screen. It's happened 100% of the time if it's a new are on the map that I haven't discovered yet. I have no idea what has changed to cause these problems now.


My system specs.

Intel i52500K quad core 3.3Ghz CPU

nVidia 560Ti

8 gigs memory


Here are the mods I'm currently running and their load order.



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Am having the same problem at area transition I get a freeze about 95% of times and I do not have that mod, again this only started a few days ago was their an update ?


or this has only happened since I started using workshop files, might it have something to do with their updates?

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I have turned off all the autosave functions in options as I thought initially this might be an autosave problem and autosaves happen at area transition but even with them off it happens so if it is something in the autosave function it must be in the scripting even when not autosaving.


Do not think this is mod related as the only mod I can see we have in common is SKYUI.

Edited by blaydon
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I disabled the High Quality 3D map mod. I also had a mod for maps showing all the roads in the game. I think those two were conflicting since they both modified the map. I played for two hours yesterday with no issues after disabling the mod. We'll see if my good luck continues. Thanks for all the responses.
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The problem came back. It turns out I was wrong about the issue being the HQ map. That is actually required for the high res version of A Quality World Map With Roads. I believe I've fixed it again though. Previous to either of these mods I had edited the map setting in the skyrim.ini. One of these lines read sMapCloudNIF=0 to removed the cloud cover on the map. The newest version of A Quality World Map With Roads is incompatible with that .ini tweak because it removes clouds for you. After removing that line from my skyrim.ini file the game is no longer freezing. Hopefully it will stick this time. Edited by Gandaug
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I've had the same problem also since the update. Sorted through all my mods and it still occurs. Rolled back my nvidia driver to the beta one before the latest official release and problem seems to be solved. Very weird as that driver was great initially.
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I must admit to still having this problem despite attempts to solve (disabling mods and the like) but to no avail still get it, I am stuck inside Proudspire manor and cannot get out.


haven't tried coc yet but I can't spend a whole game consoling myself into and out of places.



Which driver revision has worked for you Pygothian?

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