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Water FX everywhere ?!


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Hey thanks for looking!


I am getting a rather game breaking issue's with water i wonder if you can help?


Water effects play on land, indoors and dungeons in 2 - 3 second bursts


This effects:


  2. Fps
  3. Stealth
  4. Drawn Bow
  5. Entering Doors
  6. Entering corridors
  7. Roaming the wild


Yes i have tried disabling Mods and reverting skyrimprefs.ini / skyrim.ini to defaults NOTHING worked :wallbash:

have also tried a fresh install...


any help would be appreciated thanks.




Should note that this happens sporadically and that the effect is a flickering of underwater FX

Cant seem to Capture it in screen shot or fraps...

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lol ... I really would like to see that XD

Can you make a screenshot?


Apart from that ... did you really remove all possible leftover files after the uninstallation?

I'm just guessing here ... but depending on the reason for this it could also be baked in your

savegame. Tried a new game?

Edited by Grasmann
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After hours of Google search it brought me back to a Nexus thread I missed :rolleyes:


That thread did not deliver...


But searching the Cam recordings youtube comments did.

Turns out it happens with to many frames being pushed (FPS)


If any others have the same issues and or other FPS stutters.

Find and use a frame limiter


I myself tried the one hosted on nexus and found it Slowed (laged) out in-game actions and menu's

So a little further digging returns DXtory Which is Video capture program (like Fraps)


Under the programs advanced Menu is a handy FRAME LIMITER

setting that to even 1 below your screens refresh rate fixes the issues


Hope i helped someone

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