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Buged Data Files


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Well, hello!


First, i'm frensh, and even if i'm fairly good in english, I still have much to learn, so excuse me if you don't understand me :(

Also, I don't know if i CAN ask my question, since it's implie modding, but let's try aniway. If it's forbiden, juste say so :)


So, as the title of the topic say, i've got a bug with the data files (The one in the launcher, if you catch what i mean). I just can't click it (It's grey...) . Someone told me to go to my SkyrimPrefs.ini And to put "bEnableFileSelection=1" below " [launcher] ", but it didn't work x_x. Its quite anoying, since i can't install nothing without the "data files" ....


So, anyone can help me?

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