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Rahgot Priest in my Breezehome?!?! wtf - PART 2!!&#33


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Rahgot Priest in my Breezehome?!?! wtf The First Part to this Conversation


So..Minding my own buisness in Skyrim, and for the last ohh maybe 20-30 minutes im going back and forth to the High Hrothgar and finding locations of new voices.


Then maybe the 2nd or 3rd trip back to High Hrothgar..I don't see the head elder guy..i look for him and I run across something even more rediculious then what was in my first post. I find armor..but not just any armor...It's amazingly good armor. I run across this in a corner of high hrothgar. Anybody seen these b4?? there's 2 Sets and there armor defense are amazing.


Apparently it's based off of deadric and Everybody keep mind of the Descriptions of these peices...



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Glass Armor i presume lol



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Obviously you are using mods.


Nobody else is going to see these armors unless they install the same mod that you used to get them there in the first place. Not part of the vanilla game, the descriptions are not Bethesda-esque, and they are overpowered.

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Yeah, I googled the names of those armours and nothing whatsoever came up. If it was in the vanilla game, there would be plenty of information about them.


Do you download mods without first reading what is included in them? lol It just looks like dropped armour.

Edited by Luckylewis
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Exactly what Luckylewis said,This is obviously an armor mod you are using.What mods do you have installed? I also searched everywhere for the bow in your other thread and the armor you are showing in your screenshots in this thread and found no info on them anywhere on the web. Edited by Logik729
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i'm guessing your just making it up. you use console to bring rahgot and then mod a god bow to be dropped by him. it is suspicious! Edited by magiii
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