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Skyrim crash after bethesda logo.


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I launch Skyrim only for it to crash directally after the bethesda logo...not sure why this is especially because I made sure the sound options were set 441hz or w/e so it's not that. I have the newest versions of dragon script and skyrim so it's not that either. Why does it keep crashing?
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Hello, i have the same probleme . I removed script dragon but it still crash, i desabled the on-line mod on steam, it crash again. Also made a repair but nothing change...

Can anyone help us please ? :wallbash:


sorry for my poor english :confused:


edit: Ok, i found what the problem was...I just deactivated (Dragonbone Weapons - Dragonbone_Weapons_3_1_1-Deadly_Dragons_Compatibility) and (Dragonbone Weapons - Dragonbone_Weapons_3_1_1-Tytanis_Compatibility) and it now works fine . I haven't test yesterday after installing these compatibility patch. Don't know if it will help you overground55 but i think it's a compatibility problem betwin mods for you too. try to check your lastest mods install. Hope you'll find an answer

Edited by Fatla
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Hello, i have the same probleme . I removed script dragon but it still crash, i desabled the on-line mod on steam, it crash again. Also made a repair but nothing change...

Can anyone help us please ? :wallbash:


sorry for my poor english :confused:


I'm tellin' ya, it's the damaged patch 1.4 that they threw upon us. It is garbage, and no one has heard hide nor hair from the Bethesda people letting us know when they are going to fix their mistake. I lost months of save files that were corrupted by this nonsense. I was level 34 and had to start the whole game over. Nice, huh?

Edited by Atreyuu2003
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