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Navmesh yellow triangle?


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Hello there


I have some weird issue when Im doing navmesh.


Is that an error? When I delete this triangle then the other red triangles turning yellow. I couldnt find anything in google. I'm actually finished with my mod but my NPC disappearing sometimes and I think this yellow triangle is the problem. How can I fix this?!


Anyone an idea?



Edited by ex1k
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Upd. Sorry I seemed to make a mistake. Yellow triangle (triangles) means two things. Either it is a "preffered path" for NPCs (it tells NPC to use this way among others). Or it may be a signal of a cliff. When your navmesh from the above and underneath the cliff isn't connected stricktly but is situated one above the other. In this case NPC is allowed to "jump" from top to bottom.


Try to select it and press "P". Then click Finalize navmesh.

Edited by werr92
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hello and thanks for the reply :)


Ok when I press P it stays yellow. After when I press Finalize the other one turn also in yellow. I just don't get it why is this happening T_T




Should I recreate the map? When I delete these yellow triangle and press Finalize there are new 2 yellow marks. I'm losing my mind xD I really try to figure out, how to fix this. I press M nothing happens and when I press P they turn even more yellow.

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Yeah, when you have odd colored triangles like that, it usually means there is a problem with it. If you click on "Check Navmesh" next time, it will let you know what errors exist in your navmesh. Also Check out BGS's navmesh tutorial for skyrim. It is pretty informative, and relevant.


Edit: Just looking at the navmesh in the pictures, I can see that you could stand to do a bit of optimizing. Try merging some of the vertexes that are close together. Having larger triangles, and fewer vertexes where you can really helps to mitigate the chances of problematic triangles.

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