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Synth armor retextures not affecting helmets


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Like it says in the title I am having issues retexturing the synth armor. I am currently using AS synth armor Redone by doobot but I have also tested it with More Synth Retextures by RaizuX both with the same issue, everything is being retextured nicely aside from the helmets which refuse to use any texture aside from vanilla.

The only mod that I could possibly see affecting this is custom combat armors but when I check the textures folders everything seems to be in place, including the helmet textures.

Any help is appreciated because this is quite an eyesore at the moment.

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Ya I have them all in data/textures/armor/synth. SynthHelmet_d/_g/_n aswell as SynthHelmetOld_d, SynthHelmetWhite_d and SynthHelmetWhiteDirty_d


I also compared the textures of the helmet and body files and they should be the same yet in game the helmets all have that yellowish stained bone color while the rest of the armor has the white texture from the mod

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Okay so I finally figured out how to fix my issue and to be honest its quite an easy fix. It turns out that custom combat armors messes with where the game locates the textures for the synth helmet, what i had to do was in the synth texture folder located in data/textures/armor/synth i needed to create a folder called default and place all my helmet textures in that folder while keeping the textures that relate to the armor in the standard synth folder. Doing this fixed it for me HOWEVER I am still unable to get the custom glow maps from the optional file that comes with AS synth armor redone by doobot to work, but I still count this as a win.

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