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Skyrim quests reset themselfs


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For instance, when upon entering Whiterun, that Battle-Born guy talking to that Smith lady at War-maiden's are both standing there as if its my first time entering Whiterun but I *was* a Legate in the Imperial Legion after completing the Legion side of the Civil war.


Also, the Jarl of Whiterun and the Dunmer house carl are standing and sitting at the throne 24/7, as if waiting for me to trigger the Bleak falls barrows quest in which I did centuries ago.


I have read up on "set stages" in quests and also reset quests but I been experiementing but no such luck in regards to the main quest stages.


I also noticed many other NPCs standing in place of certain quests I have completed.


And what really ticks me off is I am no longer regarded as Legate! "Not sure if your suppost to be here, citizen" By every bloody Imperial Legion guy.


I earned my Rank :(


Can somebody please tell me how to alter my Rank + perhaps fix this?


It may be mod related but I have no idea what could alter it except perhaps the MultiFollower mod :/

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No answers here, but similar problems. Ancano supposedly stole the eye of Magnus and now he's idly standing (more like skulking) in an empty wizard's hall. Locations of quests completed early on aren't now recognized for fast travel (sorry! Level 52 but you've not been there yet). Frustrating, yes. I suppose console commands can take care of this, but older games like Gothic, Vampire Masquerade, even Deus Ex--all classics for me--kept a record of a quest completed under its own appropriate saved game. As for Skyrim, I'm not certain whether this is a programming bug that can be fixed or something intentionally left in as part of the game (Iike the way caves and their contents reset after a "month").

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