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Need a console command


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Ok I installed A Bloody Mess. It was working great, but when I left the cave all the blood disapeerd. So I went down to wash the non exsistant blood off... and my personality is stuck in the red at 2.

Yea bad part is I save on the way through caves.. so I am saved with it on.


in the read me it made a comment regaurding turning the mod off/on replacing older mods with

a line: "you'll never be able to recover your lost personality (except perhaps through the console, but I wouldn't risk it)."


Well I didn't turn it off UNTILL I could not get the personality back up. it is stuck in the red at 2.

I even swam from Bruma to Lyawin... still didn't do anything.


So I need the console command to reset the negative effect it applies.

I didn't see a command to reset or remove negative effects, but I know there has

to be a command. I did a search in the wikki and it came up with nothing.



Anyway cant ruin my game anymore then what it is ruined. the way I look at it, it's my only option,

if I can't fix it then I have to re roll. and that will be a pain.

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Ok I installed A Bloody Mess. It was working great, but when I left the cave all the blood disapeerd. So I went down to wash the non exsistant blood off... and my personality is stuck in the red at 2.

Yea bad part is I save on the way through caves.. so I am saved with it on.


in the read me it made a comment regaurding turning the mod off/on replacing older mods with

a line: "you'll never be able to recover your lost personality (except perhaps through the console, but I wouldn't risk it)."


Well I didn't turn it off UNTILL I could not get the personality back up. it is stuck in the red at 2.

I even swam from Bruma to Lyawin... still didn't do anything.


So I need the console command to reset the negative effect it applies.

I didn't see a command to reset or remove negative effects, but I know there has

to be a command. I did a search in the wikki and it came up with nothing.



Anyway cant ruin my game anymore then what it is ruined. the way I look at it, it's my only option,

if I can't fix it then I have to re roll. and that will be a pain.


here is a list, but it think the console command is something like "setattribute <attribute>" or something like that, though i might be wrong.


press ` then type them in.

-Click any human or creature, type "kill" Instant kills

-Click a locked door or chest, type "unlock" Unlocks target object

-Without targeting, type "tgm" God Mode

-tfh Toggle Full Help

-player.additem 0000000F 'XXX' Adds the desired amount of gold. Replace the 'XXX' with the amount wanted.

-player.AddItem 00000000 # gives you # of item 00000000 (use other hex combinations for items)

-player.AddSpell 00000000 gives you spell 00000000 (use other hex combinations for spells)

-modpcs skill 100 adds 100 points to the skill

-modpca luck 100 adds 100 pointsto an attribute (here luck)

-player.setlevel 1 Changes player level to desired number. Use 1-255

-advlevel forces a level up with the levelup screen.

-advskill skill # Forces a skill level up of # levels, example: advskill blade 4

-showclassmenu Allows you to change your class

-Showbirthsignmenu Allows you to change your birthsign

-movetoqt Teleports you to your quest target (for lazy bums) makes the game ALOT shorter >:)

-qqq exit game without using menus

-tcai Toggle combat ai, "sitting ducks" springs to mind

-tfc "ufo cam", freeflyng camera

-caqs Completes all quest stages

-ShowSubtitle Toggles NPC conversation subtitles

-psb Add all spells to player

-SexChange Changes your gender

-TCL Toggles collision ( noclip anyone?:), you go in the direction your facing, up/down/etc )

-TDT Toggle debug display (FPS etc)

-TM Toggles hiding of all menus (for taking screenshots)

-SSG Creates a window with the full game scene graph

-TDETECT Toggle AI detection

-TLL Toggle land LOD

-TS Toggle sky

-TLV Toggle leaves

-TWF Toggle wireframe mode

-TAI Toggle AI

-TG Toggle Grass

-TT Toggle trees

-player.setAV <Ability/attribute> <#> Increase (Or decrease) Ability or Attribute

-player.additem <Form ID> <amount> Gives the player the given item and amount of the item.

-ShowBirthSignMenu Show the sign selection screen

-ShowRaceMenu Show the name/race/appearance selection screen

-ShowClassMenu Show the class selection screen

-SetPCFame gives you fame

-SetPCInfamy gives you infamy

-TFOW Toggles fog of war that hides the map

-FOV # Change the angle of your point of view (default is 75)

-player.setcrimegold 0 Removes Bounty on your head. NOTE: If being chased by city guards, you must leave the city and go back for it to work on them.

-PlaceAtMe <formid>, <number of spawns>,<x>,<y> spawns a npc or item or creature where you put the cords in this recuires a ref.

-coc toddtest Teleports player to developer testing grounds.

-player.payfine Guards stop attacking you and bounty is paid off.

-resurrect Resurrect targeted monster/human.

-player.removeitem <FormID> <#> Removes any item

-player.removespell <FormID> Removes specified spell

-hairtint (red/green/blue) Change player hair colour

-help List console commands

-lock [1-100] Lock selected door or container

-showfullquestlog [quest id] Show all log entries for indicated quest

-showquestlog Show quest log

-showquestlog 0 Show current quest log

-showquestlog 1 Show completed quest log

-showquesttargets Show current quest targets

-tws Toggle water

-pov [#] Set point of view angle (75 by default)

-savegame [filename] Save game

-setcamerafov [degrees] Set camera field of view (75 by default)

-setscale number Makes objects change size. Click on object to enlarge or make smaller then enter cheat. Number ranges from .5 to 2. 1 is normal size.

-coc testinghall Teleports player to an area with all objects, monsters, and NPCs in-game.

-player.setstage <QuestID> <Stage> Advances specific quest to specified stage

-player.completequest <FormID> Removes active quest specified (doesn't complete it)

-stopcombat Immediately stops the combat of the selected friend/foe.

-player.placeatme <Form ID> Summon a NPC at your current location

-twr Toggles Water Radius

-set timescale to <number> Set the speed at which time flows, 30 is default and 1.0 is real-time.

-drop <form id> amount drops the item

-equipitem <form id> equips the item

-PCB Purge cell buffer. This will free up used memory, often times increasing fps after any given amount of time in game. Best used while in interior cells

-ModDisposition ObjREF Amount modifies actor's disposition towards ObjREF. Example: ModDisposition 014 -100 makes your target strongly dislike __ you __

-GetPos X shows target's X coordinate in the scene. Y and Z are also valid. Use Player.GetPos X or "014".GetPos X to find out where you are on the X-axis!

-SetPos X Value set target's X coordinate, i.e., move the target. Use Player.SetPos Z to train acrobatics. Be careful not to move something beyond your reach..

-MoveTo ObjREF move target to ObjREF. You might enlist 'frequently visited' ObjREFs for further fast-travel, or even create your own 'places' by dropping items..

-SetAV AValue Amount set some ability or skill (AValue to be Marksman, LightArmor, etc.) Also not-so obvious values are: Aggression, Energy, Confidence, Responsibility..

-SetAV Aggression 100 target should attack anybody it doesn't like, without prompt

-SetCrimeGold 2000 set a bounty on actor's head. Use upon a character you want punished by guards. Also should be funny using it on town guards themselves.

-StopCombat actor stops combat, hides its weapon. Actor will start again, if it finds proper targets.

-SetItemValue Amount (should be used on items, not actors) Sets item's price

-CreateFullActorCopy create a fully identical copy of a target for some purpose. All attributes, spells, and items copy.

-Player.CreateFullActorCopy places another "Yourself" near you. You even might test "yourself" in combat, but be careful with all those guilds stuff..

-SetActorFullName "John Doe" change actor's name

-DeleteFullActorCopy removes selected target if it was a copy created with CreateFullActorCopy (Now, after you had plenty fun with your replica, it's time to release it)

-DuplicateAllItems DestinationObjREF copy items from target actor (or chest or other container) into object referenced by DestinationObjREF.

-RemoveAllItems remove all items from target. Use Player.RemoveAllItems to strip off any stolen and not stolen goods from yourself.

-PRID Player select yourself as a target. In theory, one can also select other named objects, but for now other names are unknown.

-Look ObjREF target looks towards referenced object

-StopLook target stops looking (this is to cancel any previous Look cheat)

-Drop TypeREF Amount an item of given type drops out from selected target's inventory. Item is treated owned by target, so you will steal it on picking up

-UnEquipItem TypeREF target deactivates an item of given type (may be used to disarm or undress target).

-SetBarterGold Amount sets amount of gold a merchant has for trade. (don't forget to first select any merchant as a target :J)

-ShowSpellMaking Forces up spell creation screen

-Killall Kills Everything Where You Are (If You Are In A Town Outside It Kills Everything Outside)

-lock [value] Lock a door

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Have you tried temples?


Actualy I havn't. Perhaps I should try tat,


Also the setattribute command just raises it, it does not take away the negative effect,

so you could raise it up to 100 but still be red and have people not like you %100.

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You can easily modify your skills and attributes, this is a CHEAT. So i highly recommend to those who dont want to see look away.


use the Console key "~".


Example is this, to mod The characters strength........


modpca strength 150


or in your case personality


modpca personality 150


or a skill......lets say blade


modpcs blade 100


the above command would put your blade skill at master, so you wouldnt be able to complete blade training. Also Notice an A for attribute and S for skill.....


SERIOUS ADVICE, use it to fix your problem, thats it, because it will totally ruin all of your experience playing the game and then you will begin to belive oblivion is boring. Good luck.

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You'd really be best off trying to figure out how the mod is causing the reduction before using console. It may be a disease, it may be an active effect. Using console to offset a drained/damaged skill/attribute would only end up covering up the problem, and screwing up your character more in the process (skill at 100, cannot be raised, but is being treated as 17).
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The mod makes you get covered in blood when fighting. To wash the blood away you get a rag to wipe it off or you can go swimming or just stand in the rain. Depending on the level of blood you've got on you your personality decreases. I had the mod, but removed it due to the fact that it got irritating to have to wash yourself before speaking to someone.
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  • 2 years later...
Im Actually having trouble bringing the console up at all..I have pressed ~ but nothing ever happens? I heard that vista has a lot of problems at times and im new to the mods and online gaming in general use to be a hardcore 360 fan and thats where i first played oblivion
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Im Actually having trouble bringing the console up at all..I have pressed ~ but nothing ever happens? I heard that vista has a lot of problems at times and im new to the mods and online gaming in general use to be a hardcore 360 fan and thats where i first played oblivion


What is your OS?

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