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[LE] Can I create a new perk-tree?

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Hello! I am a novice in modding, but I want to understand one thing. Can I create a new perk tree in skyrim? And next question - can I showing my perk-tree partially in the game. For example: in beginning player don't know about magic of destruction, but after joining the guild of magicians and learning from the master of the magic of destruction - he opens a tree of perks which he can study. All the same for other skills - theft in the guild of thieves, etc. Is it possible? The tree of the vampire and werewolf perks appear after the passage of the quests. This prompted me to ask a question.

Edited by KirillBelovTest
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technically , you can do this

but I'm not sure it will behave in the way you want it to


It may be simpler than I'm thinking , but you can do what Enderal does , where you pick perks from a physical menu (physical activators rather than the perk UI of Skyrim)

so you create several unique cells , put the activators in these cells , and give the player a power to travel to said cells with the activator of your choice (like talking to a specific NPC in a magician's guild will allow you to travel to the magic cell , where you can get magic perks)


there may be simpler ways to accomplish this , but I'm not sure if you can lock perks behind something more than just skill level

but I would hope someone can give you a better and easier way to accomplish this , if it's possible


Edit: just noticed the last part of your post . since I never really played a vampire\werewolf , I'm not sure how the perks appear (I think it's a separate interface , though I'm not sure)

however , you can try to look at how it's scripted in the game , and try to replicate the same with your perks and the activators of your choice

Edited by WastelandAssassin
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