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G.E.C.K. Voice Recording Silent.


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Sorry, I know I write a lot, which is probably why you forgot about this by the time you got to the end, but I think it should be in there somewhere that .wav files are simply not a good choice for a Pip-Boy radio song and .mp3s are better, not that it's strictly necessary to use .mp3s. I think this important because all the guides out there use .wav files, and people that find your page as well as those guides will be confused to see two different things being claimed (that you must use .wav, from the guides, and that you must use .mp3, from us). I suppose if I were writing the guide myself, I'd probably change the opening to:


For a radio station, a "song" file will ideally meet the following requirements:

  • Your song must be converted to .MP3 format if you want it to be recognized and used on a game radio station in stereo.
  • 128 kbps CBR ("Constant Bit Rate"; 256 is said to work but not tested), Stereo.
  • Mono files will play, but obviously, they won't play in stereo.

Obviously, all formatting is at your discretion there. If you want to add a section on mono Pip-Boy radio files and how they can use file types other than .mp3, we can work on that, but in my opinion it would be useful primarily for understanding more about the engine and not a good way to make a radio mod.


This is Seddon's video guide on how to make a station, and its major flaw is that he was operating under the presumption that mono .wav files were required. Other than the formatting, it's a good guide.



This is DorostheConqueror's text-based guide. It's slightly more comprehensive than Seddon's if I recall, and its major pitfall is the formatting as well.



If you want to include them, you'd want to include the caveat that it needs to be used in conjuction with your guide's formatting if modders want to use either .mp3 files or stereo files (which are inherently required to be .mp3 in this engine).

Edited by EPDGaffney
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No apology needed. I know from experience that good explanations take a lot of verbiage and rewording. And if I needed to be corrected, undoubted some novice will be confused, so this is a big help. Since this info is being presented as a "tip", I've decided to keep it as "to the point' and straightforward as clarity permits.





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Above and beyond the call of duty as always. Looks perfect to me now. Cheers.


Edit: Sorry, one final adjustment, if you think it's not too much clutter -- I would append a note by the links to the tutorials I've given you, to refer to the Tip section at the bottom (or maybe just an asterisk), as I foresee a decent number of people clicking one of the links and never reading the rest of what you have there, and then inevitably running into trouble using the mono .wav files the guides tell them to use.

Edited by EPDGaffney
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Good man yourself.


I literally feel bad making all this work for you, even though I know you've volunteered yourself. I typed a raucous joke about my Catholic upbringing but decided to remove it. It was funny, but it's dead now.


Anyway, whilst I have no idea how you have the will or time to keep all this up, moreover so rapidly, I applaud you for doing so. And now, ahem, cheers.

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I see what you mean now. I'll have a look at that but Idon't really think that's it. The OCE is much better optimised than the default interface, for one thing, and the system doesn't appear strianed; it's just recording silent files. It makes more sense that my software mixer's setting modifies something that was neglected during the OCE's coding. I'll be testing more soon to confirm that.


Well I'm glad one of us see's what I mean now ... LOL sometimes I need a breathalyzer on my post button.


But to clarify my understanding ... Your RME BabyFace Pro is 2 pieces of equipment ?

An external unit , and an internal sound card ?


Which would ask the question you seemed to come up with. That the OCE is not accepting the vastly superior sound reproduction (hence larger block of information) that the RME wants to give it. For what ever that means. But yet the standard dialogue editor has had no problems sorting out the capture file into the game storage file ?


This might mean , the geck is actually utilizing the sound hardware your comp was built with ? Assuming you have default on board sound ? Then the OCE can't do that for some reason.

Or it is a vise versa case of that ?

Are you positive you had the OCE working some of the time , or was it a case of using the standard dialogue editor accidentally a few times?


But anyways disabling the default sound may do it ? Or running some 3rd party signal patch program , all though would be odd your sound software wouldn't have something like that already.

And I guess the simple answer could be , for some reason its switching to another input that doesn't have a mic plugged in ?


And I guess before speculating to much on it. Would you mind posting a dxdiag ?


On a separate note ... about when I said I used the CFF Explorer tool to patch my Game.exe ...

I was in the middle of trying to sort out a lift script , and had broken the game from running before with lift scripts. So after pulling my hair out for awhile thinking my script was the problem.

I finally thought to Uncheck the game.exe from using more than 2gb. And what do ya know ... it fixed it.


Sheesh ... so I thought I would mention that on the chance someone came along here and thought my mention of using the CFF explorer tool to patch their "FalloutNV.exe" was a good idea.


DONT ! just use this https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/35262/?tab=2&navtag=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fnewvegas%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D35262&pUp=1


Or what others post below ...

Edited by Mktavish
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It needs mono ... so that there is one signal. The engine can take a mono signal and turn it into stereo for output.


Stereo input is a pharse ... no the engine wants a mono signal to work with.


What I meant here was there is no true stereo signal usually produced.

It would take 2 separate input sources (2 mics) capturing your voice , then recording as separate files and being dealt with as separate files all the way along in the signal chain delivered to 2 separate sound render sources. To truly be stereo.

Otherwise , it is just a single signal at some point somewhere in the chain , that then gets modulated for what it sends to Left / Right at a given time/point ... Hence you can modulate that into Stereo ,5.1 , 7.1 what eva.


Not that this really matters for your purposes though. Except ... it makes me think your external device is in a mode for multi tracking capture , and you should be using it in a straight through mode ? Just a thought off the top of my head.

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I'm going to look into all that when I get the chance. It is possible that the OCE is using my on-board sound and the G.E.C.K. is using the Babyface. Disabling your on-board is an old practise that is generally not advised these days. I'll do some tests when I get to it and make sure that's not the problem here.


The Babyface is an external soundcard. External soundcards are very common nowadays. Used to be considered less reliable than a PCIe or something, or at least there was that debate. It's generally assumed that not only is external fast enough (if made well), interference from inside the case isn't a potential problem (though, a good PCIe device will counteract that interference, so the point is more or less moot). Anyway, my mic was plugged into the Babyface, so any sound was captured through that. Next time it doesn't work, I'll try plugging it into the on-board and see what do I get.


If you're concerned about that patcher, you may want to edit your post. Also, this is the best 4GB patcher for New Vegas:


The one you've posted has the most endorsements because it's the oldest. However, its author worked with Roy Batty on an updated version, which has the second greatest number of endorsements, and Roy Batty has rather recently released a new version with Luthien Anarion and deemed the previous version a 'deprecated' mod.


Very true about the stereo recording. You (almost always) need two mics.

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No not concerned at this point ... I think people will read enough to know your last link was best.


you said "The Babyface is an external soundcard.


So therefore you do not have an internal piece of equipment sold with and/or explicitly working with the external device. You said sound card to describe it ... so why should I think external ?


And then of course that opens a whole host of problems why.

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