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Is anyone else Fed up with Steam-Bethesda updates?


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124 hours. No crashes. Even before patches, no crashes. No slow downs. No hitches/stutters/bugs. None. Zero.


Latest patch, 5 minutes. Numerous slow downs. Lots of stutter. Had to lower AA and Filtering, just to play at nominal but reasonable FPS.


Bethesda got conned into patching a game that did not need it by people who didn't take proper care of their own game. So now, everyone has to suffer for it.


Thanks a lot.

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Let me put it this way. I wouldn't care one bit about the updates " IF " STEAM would allow me to turn off updates automatically. I feel like I live in China, with them saying, if your online you MUST update. Yeah, *ban me*! I learned my lesson next time if a game is linked to steam like this, NOT buying it. I talked to Steam about this, got blown off. Well I am a person that if you *ban me* off after paying for a lot of games from you, I wont buy nothing from you ever again. I don't support idiots. Its really Steam that is annoying me.


I agree, I'll never buy another game that requires steam.

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I bought my system specifically for this game. I spent over 2500 dollars on it. The game has huge potential. Steam is a good platform, until they took away MY choice on whether to upgrade. If you looked at every game before this, gamers updated the old way. If you had a problem with the new update, you went back to the old one. Can't do that now. MY BEEF IS, THE FORCED UPDATE, THAT KEEPS ME FROM PLAYING, TILL THEY IRON IT OUT. This is all about control, to force the dishonest into buying the game. I have been a faithful customer for years and always buy their games. Now I get bent over for the criminals who don't do it right. I understand they are protecting their hard work, but they can do it better than this.
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I like Steam, it's a great way for Independent games to get exposure, and it's great way for old games to see new sale cycles. It's a great way to buy games.


But that's where it should end: at the purchase. Steam should not provide updates, it should not be needed to play your game, it should have nothing to do with your game. At most, it should be a way to buy games online, without the game being modified for Steam in any way, and it should be a network of online forums and friend lists and such. There's no reason to make it interact with, or validate, games. Honestly, I've never spoken with a pirate that couldn't get the game he or she wanted, with or without Steam. I doubt it does much to protect games, and if you have proof that it does I'd love to see it.

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Part of me doesn't like an auto update that could potentially ruin one of my builds, but then again, there are so many mods I'm waiting for that just make Skyrim feel like an actual ES game (spell creation, degradation, acrobatics, attributes) that I don't even play much Skyrim anymore, since Beth watered and dumbed it down so much. So I'm patiently waiting for modders to finish Beth's job. As is vanilla Skyrim is worse than Oblivion IMO.



I bought my system specifically for this game. I spent over 2500 dollars on it. The game has huge potential.

I'd say you spent over 1500 dollars too much.

Edited by Fortunado3
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Let me put it this way. I wouldn't care one bit about the updates " IF " STEAM would allow me to turn off updates automatically. I feel like I live in China, with them saying, if your online you MUST update. Yeah, *ban me*! I learned my lesson next time if a game is linked to steam like this, NOT buying it. I talked to Steam about this, got blown off. Well I am a person that if you *ban me* off after paying for a lot of games from you, I wont buy nothing from you ever again. I don't support idiots. Its really Steam that is annoying me.

You can turn off automatic updates.


-right-click on the game

-go to properties

-click the update tab

-turn off automatic updates.


I like Steam, it's a great way for Independent games to get exposure, and it's great way for old games to see new sale cycles. It's a great way to buy games.


But that's where it should end: at the purchase. Steam should not provide updates, it should not be needed to play your game, it should have nothing to do with your game. At most, it should be a way to buy games online, without the game being modified for Steam in any way, and it should be a network of online forums and friend lists and such. There's no reason to make it interact with, or validate, games. Honestly, I've never spoken with a pirate that couldn't get the game he or she wanted, with or without Steam. I doubt it does much to protect games, and if you have proof that it does I'd love to see it.

The funny thing is, many indie game makers have asked pirates what they could do to get them to stop pirating their games, and one of the top responses is always "put the game on steam"


Steam does better then just about every other game store/services in Russia which is known for its absurdly high level of piracy.

Edited by sajuukkhar9000
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Part of me doesn't like an auto update that could potentially ruin one of my builds, but then again, there are so many mods I'm waiting for that just make Skyrim feel like an actual ES game (spell creation, degradation, acrobatics, attributes) that I don't even play much Skyrim anymore, since Beth watered and dumbed it down so much. So I'm patiently waiting for modders to finish Beth's job. As is vanilla Skyrim is worse than Oblivion IMO.



I bought my system specifically for this game. I spent over 2500 dollars on it. The game has huge potential.

I'd say you spent over 1500 dollars too much.


Actually I built it myself and its pretty Bad ass.

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Let me put it this way. I wouldn't care one bit about the updates " IF " STEAM would allow me to turn off updates automatically. I feel like I live in China, with them saying, if your online you MUST update. Yeah, *ban me*! I learned my lesson next time if a game is linked to steam like this, NOT buying it. I talked to Steam about this, got blown off. Well I am a person that if you *ban me* off after paying for a lot of games from you, I wont buy nothing from you ever again. I don't support idiots. Its really Steam that is annoying me.

You can turn off automatic updates.


-right-click on the game

-go to properties

-click the update tab

-turn off automatic updates.



I want you to go test your theory here, cause that exactly what it is. Go in do your instructions, then save exit out shut your computer off and go back in and see if you solution worked, Get back to me.




I like Steam, it's a great way for Independent games to get exposure, and it's great way for old games to see new sale cycles. It's a great way to buy games.


But that's where it should end: at the purchase. Steam should not provide updates, it should not be needed to play your game, it should have nothing to do with your game. At most, it should be a way to buy games online, without the game being modified for Steam in any way, and it should be a network of online forums and friend lists and such. There's no reason to make it interact with, or validate, games. Honestly, I've never spoken with a pirate that couldn't get the game he or she wanted, with or without Steam. I doubt it does much to protect games, and if you have proof that it does I'd love to see it.

The funny thing is, many indie game makers have asked pirates what they could do to get them to stop pirating their games, and one of the top responses is always "put the game on steam"


Steam does better then just about every other game store/services in Russia which is known for its absurdly high level of piracy.


This is true Russia does pirate a lot, try china though they are responsible for pirating over 80% of the worlds goods! Yeah Russia ain't got nothing on them. But thanks for the point though, well taken.

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