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Is anyone else Fed up with Steam-Bethesda updates?


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Part of me doesn't like an auto update that could potentially ruin one of my builds, but then again, there are so many mods I'm waiting for that just make Skyrim feel like an actual ES game (spell creation, degradation, acrobatics, attributes) that I don't even play much Skyrim anymore, since Beth watered and dumbed it down so much. So I'm patiently waiting for modders to finish Beth's job. As is vanilla Skyrim is worse than Oblivion IMO.



I bought my system specifically for this game. I spent over 2500 dollars on it. The game has huge potential.

I'd say you spent over 1500 dollars too much.


Actually I built it myself and its pretty Bad ass.

For 2500, it better be. I'm just saying, if you bought it exclusively for Skyrim, you didn't need all of that.


For vanilla skryim no, but ENB injected HD out the ass skyrim, why not?

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Part of me doesn't like an auto update that could potentially ruin one of my builds, but then again, there are so many mods I'm waiting for that just make Skyrim feel like an actual ES game (spell creation, degradation, acrobatics, attributes) that I don't even play much Skyrim anymore, since Beth watered and dumbed it down so much. So I'm patiently waiting for modders to finish Beth's job. As is vanilla Skyrim is worse than Oblivion IMO.



I bought my system specifically for this game. I spent over 2500 dollars on it. The game has huge potential.

I'd say you spent over 1500 dollars too much.


Actually I built it myself and its pretty Bad ass.

For 2500, it better be. I'm just saying, if you bought it exclusively for Skyrim, you didn't need all of that.


For vanilla skryim no, but ENB injected HD out the ass skyrim, why not?

A modded Skyrim out the ass, still only costs 650-700. Don't think I'm trying to get on you about it. Your money and everything, I'm just saying if it was truly exclusively for Skyrim, it was a bit overkill. For other things and future games it will be nice, but your 2500 PC will be out dated around the same time 1000-1200 PC would be. Why its always good to buy just what you need, since the update to cost ratio lowers the higher you get.

Edited by Fortunado3
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Part of me doesn't like an auto update that could potentially ruin one of my builds, but then again, there are so many mods I'm waiting for that just make Skyrim feel like an actual ES game (spell creation, degradation, acrobatics, attributes) that I don't even play much Skyrim anymore, since Beth watered and dumbed it down so much. So I'm patiently waiting for modders to finish Beth's job. As is vanilla Skyrim is worse than Oblivion IMO.



I bought my system specifically for this game. I spent over 2500 dollars on it. The game has huge potential.

I'd say you spent over 1500 dollars too much.


Actually I built it myself and its pretty Bad ass.

For 2500, it better be. I'm just saying, if you bought it exclusively for Skyrim, you didn't need all of that.


For vanilla skryim no, but ENB injected HD out the ass skyrim, why not?

A modded Skyrim out the ass, still only costs 650-700. Don't think I'm trying to get on you about it. Your money and everything, I'm just saying if it was truly exclusively for Skyrim, it was a bit overkill. For other things and future games it will be nice, but your 2500 PC will be out dated around the same time 1000-1200 PC would be. Why its always good to buy just what you need, since the update to cost ratio lowers the higher you get.


The main reason is, so I don't have to upgrade for a while and that I wouldn't have any problems playing whatever game I want in the high end. Unfortunately I wasn't anticipating the crap with Steam and Skyrim.

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I played Skyrim for one week, got fed up with Steam and spent about a month roaming this forum to see if something had been done so that I wouldn't need Steam to play. I dropped by today to see if there was any news on that, since I'm getting ready to remove the game and Steam from my pc. All I see is much hope about things to come, some gamers wannabe having a great time with the game and many having crashes or trouble of some kind. Lots of things bother me about Steam, but what bothers me the most is that even when I'm playing a different game, steam will stay in the backgroung and everytime I'm about to turn off the computer there it is "waiting for background programs to close". I did every " don't mess with me steam i could", turned off online gaming, turned off automatic everything, but the freaking thing still hangs around. So, too bad for me, Steam ruined something I had waited long for. F... Steam and Bethesda. I will accept my loss for the money spent and will never again buy anything that has something to do with Steam. Adios Amigos. Enjoy your game. This is not a rant and I mean no offense to any member of this forum, that is, unless you are an employee of either Steam or Bethesda, if you are, then you really don't want to hear what i have to say.
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I played Skyrim for one week, got fed up with Steam and spent about a month roaming this forum to see if something had been done so that I wouldn't need Steam to play. I dropped by today to see if there was any news on that, since I'm getting ready to remove the game and Steam from my pc. All I see is much hope about things to come, some gamers wannabe having a great time with the game and many having crashes or trouble of some kind. Lots of things bother me about Steam, but what bothers me the most is that even when I'm playing a different game, steam will stay in the backgroung and everytime I'm about to turn off the computer there it is "waiting for background programs to close". I did every " don't mess with me steam i could", turned off online gaming, turned off automatic everything, but the freaking thing still hangs around. So, too bad for me, Steam ruined something I had waited long for. F... Steam and Bethesda. I will accept my loss for the money spent and will never again buy anything that has something to do with Steam. Adios Amigos. Enjoy your game. This is not a rant and I mean no offense to any member of this forum, that is, unless you are an employee of either Steam or Bethesda, if you are, then you really don't want to hear what i have to say.


I'm sorry, but you gave no legitimate reason for hating Steam other than it running in the background. If a 20MB process bothers you that much, maybe you should invest in more RAM?


Oh, and close Steam before shutting down your computer. Problem solved.

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I think it's fair enough to dislike intrusive systems like Steam. The best thing to do is drop Beth a quick email explaining that you are one customer who is put off by these things.


IMHO, I think that some form of DRM is justified to protect their investment and future development. The trouble is that the 'features' of these systems start to creep and become more intrusive. I'd support an absolutely minimal system that just says, "This little app will verify online at launch time, to ensure that the game is legit. It will not interfere with your system, and is only to protect us from piracy. It sends no information other than license verification keys." That's a contract I can understand and agree to. Rather than "Trust us - this software will manage your games as we think best".

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I played Skyrim for one week, got fed up with Steam and spent about a month roaming this forum to see if something had been done so that I wouldn't need Steam to play. I dropped by today to see if there was any news on that, since I'm getting ready to remove the game and Steam from my pc. All I see is much hope about things to come, some gamers wannabe having a great time with the game and many having crashes or trouble of some kind. Lots of things bother me about Steam, but what bothers me the most is that even when I'm playing a different game, steam will stay in the backgroung and everytime I'm about to turn off the computer there it is "waiting for background programs to close". I did every " don't mess with me steam i could", turned off online gaming, turned off automatic everything, but the freaking thing still hangs around. So, too bad for me, Steam ruined something I had waited long for. F... Steam and Bethesda. I will accept my loss for the money spent and will never again buy anything that has something to do with Steam. Adios Amigos. Enjoy your game. This is not a rant and I mean no offense to any member of this forum, that is, unless you are an employee of either Steam or Bethesda, if you are, then you really don't want to hear what i have to say.


I'm sorry, but you gave no legitimate reason for hating Steam other than it running in the background. If a 20MB process bothers you that much, maybe you should invest in more RAM?


Oh, and close Steam before shutting down your computer. Problem solved.




I didn't want to bother with more explanations. I've already done that in other threads in the past. It used to be that you bought a boxed game, it had a few bugs and later patches would solve them. Nowadays patches screw up the game more than it was before the patch. You have a company that hires an online store to handle, basically online sales, but it tends to be intruisive in ways many people don't like. Skyrim, unfortunately will have to wait about a year for modders to create unofficial patches, fixes and so on for it to become anything worth playing. The sad thing is that the people who will actually do this job don't get one cent from either Beth or Steam. It should be simple for people to buy a game, install it and enjoy the game without having to disable this or that and read here and there and apply this or that, you get my drift? But anyway, I just finished uninstalling it and even that is not as easy as to just go to Control Panel and uninstall, not if you installed in C drive instead of Program Files.

By the way, 20mb process is more than enough to piss anyone off. I am a 3D artist, modeler and use high end software and high end workstation that handles humongous files, models with really, really heavy polygon counts, so my system can handle ten times the amount of resources Skyrim will ever need. The forcing me to do things I, for whatever reason, don't want to do is what is wrong. I'll be the enemy of anyone who tries to impose on me about something that is my property, or at least I have a legitimate license to use. I guess I wouldn't mind if I played in a console, but not in a computer you use for many other purposes.

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I think it's fair enough to dislike intrusive systems like Steam. The best thing to do is drop Beth a quick email explaining that you are one customer who is put off by these things.


IMHO, I think that some form of DRM is justified to protect their investment and future development. The trouble is that the 'features' of these systems start to creep and become more intrusive. I'd support an absolutely minimal system that just says, "This little app will verify online at launch time, to ensure that the game is legit. It will not interfere with your system, and is only to protect us from piracy. It sends no information other than license verification keys." That's a contract I can understand and agree to. Rather than "Trust us - this software will manage your games as we think best".


Really good point.


I don't think Steam should have to be running in the background if some people don't want it to. Maybe a one time activation?


Regardless, it still beats the crap out of Windows Live that Fallout 3 had to use.

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