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Settlers don't assign


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Ok, this is complained about a lot. However, none of the threads where somebody complains about this offer a solution that works for me.


When I try to assign settlers to particular settlements, or assign settlers to particular jobs, sometimes the assignment goes off without a hitch, and sometimes they just don't assign.


Most of the threads I read say the settlement system is just taking a long time to process all the data. Like ... if i have hundreds of crops, it may take a while for a settler to be assigned 12 crops for them to farm. So basically, the solution is to just "give it time."


However, I often have this problem even if I wait over an hour. Besides, if I assign multiple settlers to different jobs, sometimes the settlers I assign recently will get assigned while the older settlers don't! So if the problem is lack of processing, shouldn't they still assign in a first-come-first-serve order?


If the slow processing really is the culprit ... is there a mod out there that lets me see the settlement assignment que?


Is there any way to speed this back up?

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