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Why does the game not tell you what size soul you just captured...


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I find it infuriating that the game does not tell us what type of soul we just captured. In order to know, you have to have a mental count of what soul gems are in your inventory and then check and see which was just filled. This is ridiculous!


I'm sure experienced players know what size souls each creature has, but to new players and myself as a returning player, this is all just a guessing game.


I believe a simple mod that alters the soul capture text to say "You have captured a x soul!" would quickly become the most downloaded mod on the Nexus.


x = each of the levels of souls with a distinction between Grand and Black.


If it could go further and say something like "You have captured a Common soul in your Greater soul gem" I would wet myself in happiness.

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I got kind of tired of ending up with lesser souls in grand/black gems, because I ran out of smaller gems. What I ended up doing was giving my follower soul trap and a bunch of petty, lesser, common, and greater gems. Let them go hog wild. I carry the black gems and use a soul trap dagger for sneak/assassin work. That way I only get the gems I want, but my follower collects all the "practice gems," that I use to crank out banish weapons for gold and xp.

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