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How can I link an internal and external Workshop?

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I have created a fully function interor cell with a workshop and all works as it should... that is I can build and scrap as expected... But...

In the CK I'm trying to link the interior workshop to the one outside in the regular settlement sharing its resources and thereby association my entire settlement supply network.


I have searched here on the Nexus, through Google and YouTube but can't find a way to do it... I'm sure it's just something simple I've missed though... :D


Hope there is someone here that can help... thanks in anticipation.


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I'm not 100% sure I remember, but I think it goes:

-#1 workshop workbench reflink to

-#2 workbench

-settlement container...?


...mer, can't remember...

Anywho, I know it's mentioned in here somewhere on some page: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4450545-request-for-a-proofread-of-a-settlement-mod-guide-please/?fromsearch=1

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Ok just read through that thread again... and yes there is a lot of good information in there :)


But... I still can find what I'm looking for :(


Maybe I didn't explain what I'm after properly... so let me try again...


I have an interor cell set up much like Home Plate.. .it's for the player only... in my case though it is inside of another settlements boundary... I don't want it to be anything other than a player retreat... so it's not a settlement par say... that part though I think I have working fine... but I would like to link the workshops together to have the resources shared.


Don't know if that makes any differnce :)

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I can't remember how I did it, as I haven't looked at the mod in ages, but I did exactly that in my Raider Communications mod. IIRC, you have the workshop location NOT include the interior, making it it's own workshop (so there are two workshops), and then you add the interior workbench as a linked ref to the exterior's.


Edit: To clarify, you make two locations, each with a workshop. One for the exterior, another for the interior.

Edited by FiftyTifty
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Well that appears to have been stupidly simple :D


All the tuts I've looked at say to link to a local workshopresourcecontainer... well in this case no... that's where I was going wrong... you don't even have the local container just make the external workshop the linked container. Well that's what I've done and so far it seems to be working how I want... It's sharing resources with the external workshop bothways.... and so do any other workbenches created internally.

Yet to see if it also picks up goods from the settlement supply lines as well... once the goods reach the external workshop of course. ;)

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I don't know, that's pretty darn near what I said. Link workbench to workbench to container...implied that the one workbench won't have container.


Oh well, memory isn't what it used to be. :shrug:

if i remember right both can have container, but don't like the container dual, link the ext wb to container but not back, link the intern container to int wb, not back, link the inter wb to ext wb with container keyword

i had it working in gorsky and both int/ext used the same location/encounter(both where full working settlements)

but then again what do i know

Edited by speedynl
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Hey guy's... I only got this to work by going by what you said...


and BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah yes it was more or less just what you said... it just took a while for it to make sense to me :D

But then this is the first time I've even looked at the CK for FO4... did a lot of modding for Morrowind and Oblivion but not for Skyrim and din't even play any of the other Fallout games... so still on quite a learning curve with this editor.


Speedynl... I just couldn't get it to work using two containers... maybe because I don't have two full settelments just one settlement and a seperate independent internal cell.

Edited by The-Wanderer
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