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Choose What Your Followers Wear and Equip


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Can anyone make a mode that allows us to select what our followers use and equip instead of using the highest armor and damage, for example:giving lydia a fortify health dwemer armor but she still chooses to wear not enchanted steel armor.

I have seen many mods that change the default armor but none that change their current armor.

Edited by aditya245
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Follower framework mods such as Ultimate Follower Overhaul (UFO) and Amazing Follower Tweaks (AFT) allow trading with followers to take and give items.

These mods do not change the vanilla AI that controls how followers decide what to wear, but does allow you to control which items are in their inventory.

They also allow multiple followers, which is a plus.

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Follower framework mods such as Ultimate Follower Overhaul (UFO) and Amazing Follower Tweaks (AFT) allow trading with followers to take and give items.

I was using UFO but then realized it was old, trying AFT now and there is evidently an option that differentiates between what they will carry and use, thanks for the help.
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