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Need help with scrapping recipes

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I want to make the following groups of items be scrapped to:

lead pipe -> lead

some helmets and combat armor -> fiberglass

security armor -> ballistic fiber

gas masks -> rubber


In the CK under Misceallaneous/Formlists, all objects are grouped into lists and each one is linked to a scrapping recipe. Those starting with modScrapRecipe_NullMelee are clothes, armor and weapons. So I started from removing previously mentioned objects from existing lists. Then I created new lists



It looks like this


Then, under Items/Constructible Objects I created new scrap recipes. There were already some recipes named mod_Null_Melee_ScrapRecipe_Leather, mod_Null_Melee_ScrapRecipe_Steel,

so I named my recipes:

mod_Null_Melee_ScrapRecipe_Lead - I set 2 units c_Lead_scrap as "required items"
mod_Null_Melee_ScrapRecipe_Fiberglass - 2 units of c_Fiberglass_scrap

mod_Null_Melee_ScrapRecipe_Rubber - 2 units of c_Rubber_scrap

mod_Null_Melee_ScrapRecipe_AntiBallisticFiber - 2 units of c_AntiBallisticFiber_scrap




I linked them to existing formlists, then I returned to Formlists and put the mentioned items and some custom items I've created (mostly variants of clothes, armor and headgear) on the lists I needed (by dragging and dropping items from "Items/Armor")


I made sure no item is on more than 2 lists (right-click.- use info)


After saving the plugin, I moved it to the bottom of loading list and disabled "Immersive Scrapping" mod to avoid conflicts,


Now when I run the game, I get no components from these items, except for lead pipe (1 unit of lead).


Is there somehing I have missed?

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More than 1 scrap recipe for the same object can create a conflict. And you mentioned that you made sure no item is on more than 2 lists (right-click.- use info). If both lists are used in scrap recipes, then it can be the reason of the problem.

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Assuming you don't have list conflicts and you did setup your lists properly you might need to play with the component counts. Depending on what the material you're trying to scrap into, the engine does some math on the component count. If you want 1 ballistic fiber you might need to set the component count to be as much as 4 or 8. Some experimentation will be needed to find the right settings for how many you want to get back. Not all component types are 1:1 or 1:2. You could also post the plugin somewhere for people to review in case there's some non obvious issue causing the behavior you're having.

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Assuming you don't have list conflicts and you did setup your lists properly you might need to play with the component counts. Depending on what the material you're trying to scrap into, the engine does some math on the component count. If you want 1 ballistic fiber you might need to set the component count to be as much as 4 or 8. Some experimentation will be needed to find the right settings for how many you want to get back. Not all component types are 1:1 or 1:2. You could also post the plugin somewhere for people to review in case there's some non obvious issue causing the behavior you're having.


Now I noticed I can get components if I scrap armor/clothes at armor workbenches. They are added to the player's inventory, looks like the multiplier is 0.5: 2 units of c_Rubber_scrap give 1 unit in the game.


It doesn't work in workshop mode though. Components, for some reason, are not added to the workshop.


I don't think it's caused by a conflict with other mods. It's just like I missed something, left something unchecked.

The changes I've made work fine with Immersive Scrapping, the only conflict was the steel formlist (I removed combat armor from this list, moved it to fiberglass).

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Two recipes for the same thing could potentially conflict, but generally you're fine. The last recipe to load will determine what yield you get from scrapping it (and if you had two build recipes, it'll show up twice). Originally it was reversed (first recipe determined scrap yield), but I guess they decided to change it to be more in line with how everything else works.


There's two things you'll want to look at:

1) Unless you set the "Category" to scrap, the return you'll get is going to be some fraction of the amount you'll get back, as you noticed. For static objects, setting the category to scrap will make it so you can't move it in build mode (it'll have a yellow outline), but for something you can pick up it doesn't matter.

2) When making a scrap recipe, you'll want to make sure you're using the "MISC" version (denoted by _scrap at the end of the editor id) , not the "Component" version. For building you want to use the "Component" version. If you make it use the component version, you'll still get the scrap from it and can use it to craft something, but it'll be invisible in your inventory. This isn't your problem, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.


You can actually see what the multiplier will be by looking at the "Component" record for the material. It'll have a "Mod Scrap Scalar", and if you look up the value associated with that, the yield (for a non-"Scrap" recipe) = that value * 1/2, If I remember correctly.

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There's two things you'll want to look at:

1) Unless you set the "Category" to scrap, the return you'll get is going to be some fraction of the amount you'll get back, as you noticed. For static objects, setting the category to scrap will make it so you can't move it in build mode (it'll have a yellow outline), but for something you can pick up it doesn't matter.


Yes, many thanks!

Looks like it's fine now. I added another keyword, WorkshopRecipeFilterScrap, now I can recover components in workshop mode and at armor workbenches.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm resurrecting this post, because I have created a new misc item for the mod that I am working on - Simple Coffee. This misc item is a Coffee Tin that contains c_Aluminum (2) and c_GroundCoffee (4) for its components. When using this item for a recipe at the cooking station that only requires 1 Ground Coffee, crafting the recipe will take the Coffee Tin and not give the player 3 Ground Coffee back or the aluminum. From this post, I was able to make a working scrap recipe for the workshop mode involving the Coffee Tin. However, I can't seem to figure out how to fix the issue with using the Coffee Tin in a recipe at the cooking station. Could anyone point me in the right direction?


EDIT: I used a work-around to solve this issue. Thanks to SKK50 for helping me awhile back, because the knowledge he gave me is proving to be extremely handy. A script checks to see if the player is using a cooking station, when the item is removed (used in the recipe), then the script gives the player the components of the Coffee Tin. This was huge for Simple Coffee, because Coffee Tins will contain the ingredient for crafting a Cup of Coffee.

Edited by Plarux
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