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Construction Set Crashing when Generating Face?


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I want to add a new character to the game for a mod and whenever i attempt to generate the face the construction set crashes.


Anyone have an idea as to what's going on?


Any help would be appreciated.




EDIT: I attempted to re-install it, that didnt work, i added cse, that didn't work either.


EDIT2: I'm running Windows 7 64x. If that helps at all.

Edited by Pirogerth
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There are issues with the standard CS and Windows 7 with face editing. Have a look at post #4888, post #4890, post #4891 and post #4903 on the Companion Vilja thread for some background and a solution to the problem.
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I really, really suggest using Construction Set Extender...


Seconded. The CSE allows you to do so much more with the CS and it fixes many of the CTD issues that the CS has in general.


In brief some of the things the CSE will allow you to do are: save as .esp or .esm; combine plugins; modify scripts in a full text editor. That barely scratches the surface but I seriously recommend OBSE and CSE.






Just make sure you have Directx Installed and updated

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