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Skyrim's xbox fans


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I literally couldn't care less about it to be honest. This is an important issue with COD because the games have barely a 1 year life-cycle, but Skyrim... I will still be playing this in 20 years, same as I still play Arena and Daggerfall today.


If I had to choose between getting DLC 1 month early and modding possibilities I know which I would choose lol


Does seem that the Netflix Box players feel they have some divine right to get DLC early these days but I don't lose any sleep over it..


TL:DR version:

Consololololol, who gives a s***.

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As icestormganon pointed out it's sales and marketing. Whenever you see something releasing early for any platform a significant amount of money changed hands so that platform could boast about early release for sales. Nothing more. Nothing less. There is no sense of entitlement when it comes to business like there is when it comes to fans of platforms.


In the long run who the hell cares?

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I literally couldn't care less about it to be honest. This is an important issue with COD because the games have barely a 1 year life-cycle, but Skyrim... I will still be playing this in 20 years, same as I still play Arena and Daggerfall today.


If I had to choose between getting DLC 1 month early and modding possibilities I know which I would choose lol


Does seem that the Netflix Box players feel they have some divine right to get DLC early these days but I don't lose any sleep over it..


TL:DR version:

Consololololol, who gives a s***.


I do, as I play on consoles over PC.


A reason I sometimes am embarrased to be a PC gamer/Console gamer is because they shoot insaults at each other.


Why can't we all just get along?

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I literally couldn't care less about it to be honest. This is an important issue with COD because the games have barely a 1 year life-cycle, but Skyrim... I will still be playing this in 20 years, same as I still play Arena and Daggerfall today.


If I had to choose between getting DLC 1 month early and modding possibilities I know which I would choose lol


Does seem that the Netflix Box players feel they have some divine right to get DLC early these days but I don't lose any sleep over it..


TL:DR version:

Consololololol, who gives a s***.


I do, as I play on consoles over PC.


A reason I sometimes am embarrased to be a PC gamer/Console gamer is because they shoot insaults at each other.


Why can't we all just get along?



It will never happen. Granted some of us get along with console players, others cannot stand them.


It's kind of like the Brits and the Yankees.


Me personally? I can't stand what consoles do to gaming, but I won't attack an individual because of their choice or lack of knowledge of something better. Simply because I was in the same boat in 2001. Shortly after, I purchased Morrowind on release for PC, never have I ever purchased anything relative to a console since. I sometimes wonder how you even use Morrowind's UI with a controller. It must have a cursor or something?


Anyways, as far as actual gaming goes. We are so far behind compared to where gaming should be at nowadays. Take that Kara demo on PS3 for example. It looks like s*** compared to what it should look like. Nvidia's tech demos from 2007 look twice as good.

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