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remodeled cbbe armor doesn't apply correctly on custom races. please help


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Alright so long story short I'm using mod organizer and I have some custom races, bodyslide and cbbe remodeled armor replacer. As seen below when my custom race is wearing the armor replaced by "remodeled armor" it flattens to a pretty much male like shape as seen below. also notice how this doesn't happen to driinkin (deer) race however.

I know for a fact that a fix is to put the remodeled armor.esp higher up in the load order than the custom races. I managed to do it before...... some how but now i can't because Mod Organizer listed the custom races' esp in a bold italic font. From what i can understand the bold plugins are esms and some mods are put there as a "false esm." making it impossible to lower it in the load order. this doesn't seem to be the case for the deer race so they don't get that problem.

So in conclusion is there a way to get the custom races off the esm side of the list or is there a different fix entirely?

also this is pretty much my first cry for help so if you need my load order, let me know if mod organizer has a quick way for me to copy paste my load order and how.

Ps. yes I do the standard procedure of Bodyslide batch > LOOT > FNIS

before starting up skse



Notice how the ones above have flat chest, the armors misplaced and the torso is lean and straight


while with this one the breasts are normal and the curvy body

Edited by ninjahedgehog6
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1st method:


Copy the Skeleton from your "Deer" Race and Replace the Skeletons for the other 2 Custom Races with the "Deer" Race skeleton (or you could even use the vanilla female skeleton and replace the 2 custom races with it)



2nd method:


should the above fail, what you could do, is download Wrye Bash, run it - right click on the esm in question, and select the option Copy To Esp


this will then create an esp version of the mod, and then you can then delete the Esm and move the Esp down the list


whether this will fix the issue however is debatable.



the above are 2 things i would try, whether they will fix the issue, remains to be seen.

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Ok well already at a wall with the first method.


reading "copy the skeletons" made me think "ok, I'll just open up the mods through the explorer in MO, locate the skeleton files and folders, copy and paste." except the katia and deer race mods are just esps and bsas. I pasted the female skeletons into those mods anyway and it didn't work. EVen tried putting the xp maximum skeleton since I use that mod and didn't work either


Trying the 2nd method I was hoping wyre bash was some sort of esm/esp tool, not an alternative mod installer. I don't even understand how to add the mod on there.

Edited by ninjahedgehog6
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UPDATE: after some testing this issue happens with the vanilla armors period. Armor mods work fine, this issue only happens with vanilla armors even when replaced. so i'm guessing that another fix would be getting rid of the vanilla armors and replacing them with standalone armors....... except all the npcs would become naked wouldn't they

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UPDATE: FIXED!!!: omg the answer was so simple, I just had to go to archives tab in MO and unclick "Have MO manage archives" that explains why i fixed it before but couldn't anymore. don't know how that got check marked or whatever but it's all good now.


thanks to twistedfatal for at least trying to help

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