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Kingsport Lighthouse - Keep the Glowing one Alive.


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So if you want Kingsport Lighthouse as a settlement you have to clear the area of children of atom which includes the glowing one who actually powers the fog light on the lighthouse... I was wondering if anybody could take the glowing one off the clear list so you can keep him up there and the light shining?
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another way to do it,

could be to spawn another one in there?/alter a spawn node there,


or, using "Regulators of the Commonwealth",

customize one of your posse members to look like a glowing-one,

and put them on the guard post in the lighthouse

--- this has the added bonus of being able to name the apparently-captive glowing one too,

perhaps "Bob of the lighthouse" etc.


I have a Protectron with a 40 MegaWatt arc-light bulb for a head there...

if I could figure out how they did the UVB/Blacklight pipboy lamp, it'd randomly alter to "X-ray" hehe.

one look at them and you'll know how Icarus felt - it's pure daylight!

he's also the tech-reseller of the settlement.

"Brightsparkzzzz of Kingzzzport"

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