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[LE] Has anybody got static collections to work?


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I still haven't got nifskope, and I noticed the static collections in CK SSE.


It looked perfect for grouping static items on shelves for use elsewhere in the mod, but it doesn't seem to work... not for me anyway.


Apparently, you ctrl-select each of the items in the group and press ALT-O to bring up the menu to create the collection...according to the Creation Kit website. I assume that the insert point of the first selected item will be the insert point for the collection... if it works at all, that is.


... tried it. ! tried CTRL-O, SHIFT-O CTRL-ALT-O, you get the picture. nothing seems to work.


Has anyone else got this to function? The clue may lie in the fact that the Static Collection part of the object window is empty!



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I think I just noticed it because I reloaded CK. Maybe it's new. New or not it doesn't seem to work.


One of these days I'm going to bite the bullet and get Nifskope. I just hope it isn't too hard to learn. Mind you, it would be so handy. Even for daft things like circular soil mounds to put into planters, or circular water, rather than messing around trying to size a square water surface to fit a circular well!


Darn it, tomorrow I'm getting Nifscope. It's Friday, so I can drown my sorrows in the evening when I can't make even the basic model!

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