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crafting extended in a new perspective


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There are loads of crafting mods out there now, that add new everything to the game, but the crafting seems to me a bit........well of a cop out, you craft a few daggers and boom lvl up, some more another lvl, i like crafting and i like to make my own stuff and improve it but would it be possible to slow or remove the crafting lvl ups?


Say you remove the the skill going up and have all the smithing skill sunlocked straight away, there is no insentive to, basically, cheat to a next lvl. It wouldnt be game breaking as such, you would still have to pick each perk and use a point but you can no longr lvl up from it. This could also work for Alchemy and enchanting.


This is the main idea i have, that was just a second idea i came up with while typing lol,


When you craft a sword its normally, smelt, leather, sword. so why not have it you have to craft the blade, the hilt, the gaurd all sepratly? this way i think is more realistic and has the potential to be pretty fun, you could even mix and match swords, hitls and guards, if a moddler is willing and able to cut nd shop all the weapons in the game.

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