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Or a quick way would be to find an empty container somewhere. Open console, click on it to get the ID of that container (all those numbers and letters) then type in player.removeallitems <ID of container>. That should leave you with a totally empty inventory, and should hopefully have sent everything you did have into that container. You can then take only what you want from that container. It is advisible that you only do this with non-respawning containers (like those in a player house) just incase you should need those quest items later.


The Sanguine quest ends with something similar to this effect, but ends up beng a bit more complicated.


Needless to say, you should probably save before attempting this, and only continue, or save over that game once you are convinced that everything is right. You can clear the container by typing "removeallitems" in console with the container selected (thus deleting any unwanted items).

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