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NifSkope: Scabbard - more than one object.


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I wanted to add metal decoration parts to my 2h sheath, too lazy to edit the sheath obj and make a new UV so i tried to add a new mesh that stays on the back like the sheath. My sword contains of several parts as well and it works fine but my 2nd scabbard contrainer acts like the sword and sticks to the other sword parts, so when i draw it it moves out of position...any way to solve that or add a new mesh that sticks to my sheath?




Marked it, the ring.



Edited by ghosu
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Just solved it, if anyone ever comes over the same problem:


Create a new BSFadeNode under 0 BSFadeNode, add it to its children, call it SCB and put your scabbard parts (i named them scb:1 and scb:2) into this node.

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