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Oblivion does not see my mods..


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I downloaded the mod from here. Unzipped the files ( .esp, extras, menus, meshes, textures, etc...)

then moved then to my oblivion data files. After i double click on the oblivion icon, and then click

data files, but the mods don't come up. I cant figure out why.


Do i have to do something with a mod manager?


Atm i am trying to get the following mods to work:

Ranger Armor

Nighshade Armor

Loading screens


Non of these mods show up.


Any advice?




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Using Windows Explorer look at the contents of your Oblivion\Data folder. You should not see another Data folder inside it (i.e. not good to see Oblivion\Data\Data). If you do just right click the misplaced Data folder and select 'Cut' from the right click menu and then right click on your Oblivion folder and select 'Paste'. A dead give-away you've missed putting the mod's Data folder in the right spot is if you don't get the Windows dialogue about overwriting folders.
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ok, thanks guys. When i get home from work i will try these out and post an update :)




update: i didnt have to go to work as soon as i thought. I downloaded the nexus mod manager and it seems to have worked. Thanks guys

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