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no marriage dialogue from Maramal?


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I bought the amulet from Maramal at the Bee & Barb and, from what I can gather, a dialogue option should have appeared to discuss marriage and start a related quest. (?) But I only got the option to give a donation (which I did), and a line to ask about the teachings of mara or something like that.


Is there a console command or something to force that dialog with maramal at the temple?

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If you bought it from him in the Bee and Barb it might had bugged it out. Best thing to do is grab him in the Mara temple, and mention to him that you want to learn more of Mara Beliefs. I am pretty sure it is the first line in the conversation, under that is the donation line. Once you talk to him, the dialouge should mention something about weddings, you reply. By asking you can get married. he says something in the lines of do you know how marriage works in Skyrim, he will then explain how, then his dialouge has a new line to be able to purchase an amulet of Mara for 200. Then the amulet should work. But make sure you done, said quests first from the partner you wish to marry. Example Mjol the lioness ask to retreive her blade for her, and Belimund needs fire salts for his forge. Little quest like these need to get finished first. If want these partners to be able to marry you.


So you want Mjol as a wife, do her quest

You want Belimund as a husband, do his quest



It does not work for every NPC. Like ingun for example. She wants you to retreive her alchemy ingredients, but she will not marry you after.

Edited by knovack1
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Thanks for replying, it made me take a second look at what was going on. I'd worn the amulet a few times and expected some marriage dialogue and, when it didn't appear, noticed that there was no "Bonds of Matrimony" quest active so I figured things must have bugged out.


But I just wore the amulet again after completing the quest where my char becomes Harbinger of the companions, and indeed got the dialogue from Aela. I guess I was just wrong that the BoM quest would show up in my journal?


Anyways, looks like all's good.

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  • 2 years later...

Ok, I have had the same problem as everyone. I schedule the wedding, walk in the next day, and there's Maramal just standing there not saying anything. The guests just keep sayings "congratulations" and my spouse keeps repeating the same thing. Don't say I have to "keep away from the city" or "wait 24 hours" I've searched the internet for every possible solution and nothing works. I've tried console commands as well, either I'm doing it wrong or they don't work. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated, please answer back as soon as you can. Thanks!


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  • 7 months later...

Ok, I have had the same problem as everyone. I schedule the wedding, walk in the next day, and there's Maramal just standing there not saying anything. The guests just keep sayings "congratulations" and my spouse keeps repeating the same thing. Don't say I have to "keep away from the city" or "wait 24 hours" I've searched the internet for every possible solution and nothing works. I've tried console commands as well, either I'm doing it wrong or they don't work. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated, please answer back as soon as you can. Thanks!


have you found any fix ? im having the same problem, ive been looking around and some say that since ive been using mods some might have actually deleted his dialogue and thats why he doesnt say anything at the ceremony... if u find a fix plz post it here

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

In my case, `setstage relationshipmarriagewedding 100` typing,

It worked.

He's right it's work but in some case When you use TES5 maybe your [Bonds of Matrimony] Removed or IT's texture removed and So no Ring no Quest and no wedding first up you need to fix this

1.Download this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76889/? it's add [Bonds of Matrimony] in new textures and it's work normally like vanilla.

2.Set the Quest as complete by doing this setstage relationshipmarriagewedding 100

3.Now ysolda is talking to you about home to stay set her home and Done and Done.


You can also Make her you spouse with console commands but it's a little bit hard You should go like this For example i go for ysolda:


1.addfaction 0005c84d 1

2.setrelationshiprank 0001a69a 4

3.player.setrelationshiprank 0001a69a 4


(You need Npc's Ref ID you can find in Google , skyrimwiki & ...)



Hope it's help ya <3 :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:



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Edited by shevaedi
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