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I know I'm not the only one who has thought of this . It would be way cool to cast a rod or even a net. Hey maybe even spear fishing. All that water shouldn't be just for swimming in. People could hold tournaments for the most caught or maybe if people could chang the size and type of fish maybe even see who catches the biggest. I have seen practically everything else. Why not?


JAMMES56 :biggrin:

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Cac fishing is not for straight people, LOL! Sorry.... couldnt resist.... ummmm "Tytanis" mod is adding this, and Farmville style farming, and a buncha other stuffz. Doesnt sound overly difficult, you need to set up some kind of activator script for casting, an animation for realism, and a randomizer for fish size and species. As for tournaments... sounds great, but with the console, people are just gonna player.placeatme "Biggest fish here" and win essentially.


Edit: Far as I know there is a group of folks working out a PvP mod, unfortunately when the other player connects they show up as a half naked prisoner... but when they perfect it,maybe they could add a fishing derby of some form...Skyrim modding is still so young, yet it is already making leaps and bounds... especially considering how many errors the CK has! Let alone the navmesh bug, Custom added NPC Facegen bug and SOO many other things...

Edited by Jonnyboynichols
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This is the Site "Feeback, suggestions and questions" forum. Not the "Mod Request" forum for a specific game.

(And since you don't say what game you're talking about, I can't even move it for you.)

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