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Cannot get correct reloading sound fx


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I'm trying to get the Point Lookout double barrel shotgun back in the game,


The model and texture is all fine it's just the reloading sound


GECK: I'm using ReloadG (the correct anim from Fallout 3)

NifSkope: I've got the first person, _male and sneak 2hrreloadg TextKeys set to WPNShotgunDblBarrelReload < this sound can be played from the GECK


The directories are as follows:







It either doesn't play any reloading sound (3rd person in sneak) or it does play sound BUT it's the wrong sound.


I have gone from wrong sound in 3rdperson with no sound in 1stperson, to wrong sound in 1st and 3rd, but no sound in sneak.

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Yeah, I've extracted the Point Lookout wpn\shotgundoublebarrel\wpn_shotgundoublebarrel_reload to my NV sound folder


in NifSkope all three parts are set to WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelReload

in the GECK the sound object WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelReload has been edited to play the extracted Point Lookout reload soundfile


but now it's gone back to no sound in 1stperson, no sound in sneak and wrong sound in 3rd person! It's driving me mad! :huh:

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Here are the files in NifSkope and GECK am I editing the wrong NumTextKeys? I've changed the value in the third NumTextKeys or the second after looking at existing ReloadG animations


The animations were extracted to my NV meshes\characters folder

Edited by Coolipy
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