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How to teleport to your custom map?


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I've been working on a (small) map for the past two days and when i completed it (i did name all the cells, if you're wondering) i went to the game, typed in the console "coc world01" and nothing happened, I've been looking at everything from every possible angle but can't seem to find the issue.


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Try using cow instead of coc. Coc should take you into an interior cell, after which you can walk outside, (coc whiterunbanneredmare) but for outside you want something like


cow world01 10,-5


(where 10 and -5 are fake coordinates, pulled out of nowhere for this...you'll need to enter something that appears on your actual map.


Here's the uesp wiki on console commands. Cow is in untargeted commands.



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Try using cow instead of coc. Coc should take you into an interior cell, after which you can walk outside, (coc whiterunbanneredmare) but for outside you want something like


cow world01 10,-5


(where 10 and -5 are fake coordinates, pulled out of nowhere for this...you'll need to enter something that appears on your actual map.


Here's the uesp wiki on console commands. Cow is in untargeted commands.



"item "world01" not found in worldspace parameter"

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Try using cow instead of coc. Coc should take you into an interior cell, after which you can walk outside, (coc whiterunbanneredmare) but for outside you want something like


cow world01 10,-5


(where 10 and -5 are fake coordinates, pulled out of nowhere for this...you'll need to enter something that appears on your actual map.


Here's the uesp wiki on console commands. Cow is in untargeted commands.



"item "world01" not found in worldspace parameter"


If you type cow yourworldspacename 0,0 it will place you in the center cell of your world. Just replace yourworldspacename with the actual name of your world. If you want to go to a specific cell just change the coordinates. You can also give your cells names and place a cocmarkerheading in the cell and then you can use the coc command to enter the cell.

Edited by Aragorn58
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COCMarkerHeading.... I think you named the cell correctly, so try that. Any else related to this little cell in future, post to Creation Kit Forum it at the bottom of the list in the modder's bit. By posting here most would assume your after a Console Command, or talking about a Mod you like, I came to look cause I saw Rigmor had replied & it was a the top, & I wondered what was going on. Mod talk not for me, but I don't mine the odd read.


You will find it in WorldObjects - Static - COCMarkerHeading drag & drop onto your little map where you want to appear.


or paste it into the search bit then go to ALL

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