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I want a simple Adoring Fan mod.


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I know I'm in the minority whn I say I like the Aforing Fan. I think he's cute and it's kind of cool to have someone follow me around singing my praises. But, what I really want him to do is carry my items. I don't want him to fight with me. I'm perfectly fine with his default look and behavior. I really just want him to be my squire. Does anyone know of a mod like this? Or maybe know how I might go abut creating such a mod?

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A quick route to what you're looking for might be Active Inventory Spell:




Although it might be a bit overpowered for your purposes. It gives you the ability to view and swap inventory with any (I think) NPC, not just the AF. You'd also want to check (if you haven't already) whether the AF's inventory is automatically reset or cleared by the game or another mod. This info should be online or you can easily test by placing an item in his inventory, waiting a full week (three days is the usual waiting period for cell resets but a full week is a safer test) and then seeing if the item is still there.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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