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Levitation arrows


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Yesterday I took time to look into the subject of levitation with good success.


The way I decided to do it, is using special "transport arrows" combined with a "transport spell". Anywhere I can land an arrow, I can levitate to:


Youtube video here


I love this new ability. It works very well!


This will be available in next version of my Dovahkiin Sanctuary - Riverwood mod.

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Based on feedback in this thread, I have spent the last two days improving my levitation method with good results.


Now I have a "lobber" projectile incorporated into a spell (don't need bow and arrow) as the levitation target.


This overcomes several problems with my arrow + spell technique.


For one, the "lobber" method prevents levitating into areas where you can fire an arrow, but the game never intended you to be. Additionally, this prevents levitating into doors and walls and getting stuck (something you can do if you levitate to an arrow location).


Furthermore, the "lobber" limits how far you can "lob" upwards to a reasonable level (limits altitude). You can lob downward, but you will suffer damage as if you fell that distance.


I've also limited target range to 100 feet. This means you can cross small to medium sized rivers etc. As mentioned, you cannot target 100 feet high because of lobber limits, but you can traverse 100 feet in horizontal direction.


Last but not least, I've increased speed to overcome the animation "jerking" effect. Now the maximum travel time is approx 5 seconds.


I'll provide a video once I get all this ready for the mod.



Edited by Phoenixn
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