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Creation engine capabilities


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There are mods for New Vegas that restore The Strip to it's original design already available for years now, no need to wait:


The Strip Open


Needs a strong PC as the developers for New Vegas split it up for a reason - performance tanks on anything less than a solid system. Similar mods are available for Freeside as well if you're wondering.

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There are mods for New Vegas that restore The Strip to it's original design already available for years now, no need to wait:


The Strip Open


Needs a strong PC as the developers for New Vegas split it up for a reason - performance tanks on anything less than a solid system. Similar mods are available for Freeside as well if you're wondering.

I tried using that mod and had to uninstall because even with a strong rig, it puts too much strain on the crappy Gamebryo engine. I know the Creation engine can handle it. But could it handle the original concept of the New Vegas Strip? http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/f/f7/FNV_concept_art_Vegas_Skyline.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/2000?cb=20100504194153

Edited by JerryHusky
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In FNV --> lol no


In FO4 --> hmm, probably no as well


The 64 bit nature of the engine in the latest incarnations would at least give you a shot of doing something close to that but there are limits and what you see in that concept art shot is probably beyond them. More than likely well beyond them really as concept art doesn't have limits or FPS concerns to worry about where as actually placing something in-game that players will be walking around in most certainly does.

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