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Nifskope - Removing Stretchy Textures - Any Ideas?


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I've got a problem with a static mesh that I am trying to skin in Nifskope. - The static is a statue with small rocks around the base (all one mesh), and I would like the texture (a nice hi-def photograph of cracked stone saved to .tga format) to make the statue look the same ...only it does not - the image is stretched like clingfilm over the entire statue ...so, I need to know what my options are. For example, could I tile the texture, somehow? ...or is there a way, in Nifskope, of splitting parts of the statue mesh in order to make loads of separate areas with their own texture files, possibly?

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As in the UV within Nifskope, not pre-blend - ? - I had a brief look at that yesterday, but could not make much of it beyond having a box with a widget that I could move, but which otherwise did not appear to make any changes. I have now investigated this further, too, and have found out that because I only have the one NiTriShape I am not going to be able to do what I want without adding further NiTriShapes, so I will leave it as it is and rebuild the whole thing in Blender at some later time ...thanks.

Edited by Treehuggery
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