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CK not compiling with SKSE functions

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Hey guys, having some issues with CK using SKSE.

CK doesn't want to admit that the Form script has the function GetName(). Or really any SKSE functions for that matter.

None of the SKSE functions listed in my .psc sources files seem to work at all, really.

They're there in the .psc sources, the .pex files have been replaced by SKSE multiple times.

Not sure if I'm missing something here, so any help is appreciated. Thanks


Screen with both the .psc source open and Papy editor here

Edited by 000TragicSolitude
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Skyrim Special Edition CK uses a different folder for script sources (unless you changed it, which from your screenshot you did not). The SKSE archive and installer still put it in the legacy folder. So the simplest solution is to move the scripts from Data\Scripts\Source to Data\Source\Scripts.


If you don't want that behavior for some reason you could move all the vanilla scripts to the legacy location Data\Scripts\Source and then edit the creationkit.ini/creationkitcustom.ini and add/change

Edited by BigAndFlabby
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SSE defaults to "Data > Source > Scripts" for the PSC files whereas original Skyrim defaults to "Data > Scripts > Source". According to your picture the PSC files from SKSE are in original Skyrim location while the SSE CK is looking in the SSE location. Make sure that they are in the SSE location and you should be good to go.

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Hey guys, went ahead and moved my scripts over to the newer location like suggested.

Thanks for your help there. I don't think I woulda found this out on my own.

But now my biggest effing thing is, I don't know where this came from.

I got my SKSE version from http://skse.silverlock.org/ which doesn't have an installer for SE since it's still alpha.

And even the file itself doesn't even hint at another dir besides the usual one. Was there like, a sticky I missed somewhere?

I suppose it doesn't inherently matter, I'm just confused why the heck this came out of the blue.

Edited by 000TragicSolitude
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No sticky. Bethesda just changed it for some reason. And source file location doesn't matter for the game itself thus it is only an "issue" for those who wish to make mods (especially mods relying on other mods). As a result, some mod authors opted to change where the CK uses source files for 'consistency' between games. SKSE SSE is probably one of those.

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  • 3 years later...

Anyone mining this thread take note:

To compile scripts that reference SkyUI, you may need the SkyUI SDK. Use the 5.1 files for 5.2.

I just copied these very few relevant files, and my uncompilable script no longer failed.




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