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Finalizing my mod?


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My mod is getting closer to the point where it's ready (not there yet, though).

Is there anything special I need to do? -For example: run the mod-file through certain program that removes unused stuff/makes the file smaller/etc.


My mod uses a few (new) custom textures, how do I put them in the mod file? Or do I have to put them seperately and include a readme file on how to "install" the textures?



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You dont run the mod through anything to finalize it. But removing unused edits is something you really should do. You can use TesVsnip or the CK to clean your mod. With TesVsnip you would simply delete dirty edits. In the CK when you are checking the mod and setting as active click the details button and delete anything unwanted before loading it and those will be removed.


As for the textures and meshes you create a textures and meshes folder. then the folders inside those that your items are in. so if it is in textures/armor/ebony/male then you would have the same folders leading to the new textures but with nothing in them but your new textures or meshes.(dont use the ones in your game folder and upload everything).


Once all thats done, create a data folder. put the esp, the meshes, and textures folders inside it. use winzip or winrar to pack that data folder and you are done.

Edited by jet4571
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You dont run the mod through anything to finalize it. But removing unused edits is something you really should do. You can use TesVsnip or the CK to clean your mod. With TesVsnip you would simply delete dirty edits. In the CK when you are checking the mod and setting as active click the details button and delete anything unwanted before loading it and those will be removed.


I'm pretty sure my mod is clean now. Can I check it somehow with TESVSnip if there's anything I missed?


As for the textures and meshes you create a textures and meshes folder. then the folders inside those that your items are in. so if it is in textures/armor/ebony/male then you would have the same folders leading to the new textures but with nothing in them but your new textures or meshes.(dont use the ones in your game folder and upload everything).


Once all thats done, create a data folder. put the esp, the meshes, and textures folders inside it. use winzip or winrar to pack that data folder and you are done.


If I understood you right: I have a couple of textures that are located in "...\Skyrim\Data\Textures\Trap" so I should create a folder called "Textures" and inside it create a new folder called "Trap", then finally put my textures in the Trap folder?

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Ok, I think I understood.

Thanks. =)


I made this as a Read Me:

Would you please read it and see if it's correct and understandable?






Skyrim Mod - Hunter Traps - By Phrosen






Table of contents


1. Installation

2. About

3. Author's thoughts

4. Contact Information








1. Unzip the .rar file.

2. Add HunterTraps.esp to your Skyrim\Data folder.

3. Add the Textures to your Skyrim\Data folder. -It should look like this:


4. Start Skyrim.

5. Click on the "Data Files" button in the Skyrim Launcher.

6. Check the "HunterTraps.esp" box.

7. Enjoy!








A mod that adds hunter traps in the form of Bear Traps to the game.


The player is able to pick up the traps, put them in his/her inventory and place

them whereever he/she sees fit. The player may also craft these traps at a forge.


The traps comes in different shapes; iron, steel, dwarven metal, orcish steel and

ebony, each dealing a different amount of damage.


"Hunter Traps - For all your sneak-thief needs!"






__Author's Thoughts:


Hunter Traps are best suited for characters with a high sneak ability. Mainly

because a high sneak allows the player to place the traps in strategic locations

before engaging in combat. Also skilling the "Light Foot" perk makes sure the player

doesn't step on his/her own traps.

Another good way to use the traps is to combine them with the use of a bow, a well

placed arrow can draw the enemies attention; leading them straight into your traps.


I find using two-four traps at once is ideal. Traps trigger each other, so cluttering

the floor with traps might backfire.



_Known Bug:

Skyrim's engine automatically group up dropped items into one if five or more are

dropped at once. -This messes up the mod's scripts; which might delete all the traps

except one and/or cause the traps to malfunction. I strongly recommend the player to

only drop four or less traps at once.




I would like to thank everyone who helped me making this mod at The Nexus Forums and

Bethesda's Creation Kit Forums for their priceless help.

Special thanks goes to: Xtynct, Redwood Elf, kuertee, tunaisafish and Grasmann.






__Contact Information:


If you find any bugs with this mod I would very much like to hear about it, so that I

might be able to fix it.

!Note: Read the "_Known Bug" part under "__Author's Thoughts" in this Read Me first.


If you for some other reason want to contact me, you can find me at:











Edited by Phrosen63
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If you put the textures folder and the esp inside a data folder then archived the data folder it would be unzip to the skyrim directory. if you just put the textures folder and the esp in the zip file then it would be unzip to the data folder inside the skyrim directory.


Instructions on removing is where you would give them the full filepath for the textures. Otherwise the readme looks good.


A tip on including the readme in your archive is when you have the mod inside a folder in the archive like i suggested using a data folder, you keep the readme out of that folder. This way when someone opens the archive they can read the readme and unpack the mod to the correct folder without having another readme cluttering up the Data folder.

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If you put the textures folder and the esp inside a data folder then archived the data folder it would be unzip to the skyrim directory. if you just put the textures folder and the esp in the zip file then it would be unzip to the data folder inside the skyrim directory.


Instructions on removing is where you would give them the full filepath for the textures. Otherwise the readme looks good.


A tip on including the readme in your archive is when you have the mod inside a folder in the archive like i suggested using a data folder, you keep the readme out of that folder. This way when someone opens the archive they can read the readme and unpack the mod to the correct folder without having another readme cluttering up the Data folder.


But then the downloader would have to unpack it twice?


EDIT: If I upload here to Nexus, does the website take care of the Mod Manager? -Or do I need to do something special to make my mod work with the Nexus Mod Manager?

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No he downloads, opens the archive. reads the readme. selects the Data folder and unpacks the archive. since the data folder was selected then only it will be unpacked. some archive utilities or versions do not show folders so if they select the readme then the items to unpack it may unpack in the wrong location like the textures are in the data folder right next to the esp.


I dont use mod managers so i wouldnt know.

Edited by jet4571
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