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Spell: Forget Power (spells that can be cast with the shout key)


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I really could use something just like this: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4091/



But, this time, to forget shouts and active powers without using the console.


(This existing mod can't do that, since it already uses the power/shout key and only let us erase the spells equipped in left/right mouse buttons.)


I know tempering with vanilla powers and shouts can break quests, but I don't mean to do it, I only want to remove standalone powers coming from mods that I have no use for.


Too many mods don't let us choose whether we want all of their spells/powers added, and it's all or nothing. That makes the power list very long, messy and it completely breaks immersion for me.



It's been done for classic Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34754/ but I haven't seen anything like this ported for Skyrim Special Edition yet.

Edited by 5ilvara
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