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Survival -v- Hard Question


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Okay, so I tried Survival Mode and got seriously frustrated w/the inability to save, while building your Settlements.


If it was not for this, I would likely more enjoy it than not. But I was frustrated at how many times I had to start over, because of " health and other related challenges ", while trying to get the dang Settlements built and unable to save at various points of building.


The point being, since saving, even with some mods ... were not allowing me to drop back to a point of building, in case of an in-game oops, which never happens, right? ;)


So I had to literally start over in VERY HARD, as the lack of saves just made the Settlements impossible to do.


So, is there:


A. Mod that bring the basics of Skyrim's Realistic Needs & Diseases to FO 4?

... I'm not looking for " micro-managing " my health ... just the need to:

....... Eat

....... Drink

....... Sleep

........ Cures for Mole Rats, Injuries, Muties, Radscorpions and such.


There was one mod, but I seriously got annoyed with it, because it was ' micro-manage ', right down to fluid oz and intake of salt such.


Or in Survival Mode a mod that actually allows you to save enough while building your settlements so as to not having to literally start over?


The few that I looked at - had either ' died ' .. ' bug lists not even being touched ', or the save potential just is seriously limited.


Thanks ....


.. Jj ....

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Go with survival mode and just download and use a quicksave like this- https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12593/?

I would also slow the timescale down to 8 or 6 so your not having to eat or drink or sleep all the time.


I used that ... the problem was, IF I did not have the Settlement Builds .. that would be fine. But it only allows for 3 Autosave and then rewrites over them ... so I found I LOST a back track when I needed it. :(


The one solution that I am pondering is simply use the Window Escape Button ... and FO 4 Shrinks - and rename them Savexx ... but that too is a bit annoying. :P


I would enjoy and want to play Survival Mode, but unlike Skyrim - you have to build and such the Settlements and one really needs a ' back step save at times ', because the settlement build does not always go ' smoothly '.


Thanks! I mean it .... at least you took the time to post an idea. :)


.. Jj ...

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Take a look at Unlimited Survival Mode. It requires F4SE but reinstates all the functionality that survival mode removes. You can quicksave, autosave on load transition is restored...it does it all. PLUS, you can jump back and forth between survival and other levels at will without getting lock out of survival mode. If you want to play survival, it makes things a lot more enjoyable. It supports MCM so all the options can be toggled right within the game.

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Take a look at Unlimited Survival Mode. It requires F4SE but reinstates all the functionality that survival mode removes. You can quicksave, autosave on load transition is restored...it does it all. PLUS, you can jump back and forth between survival and other levels at will without getting lock out of survival mode. If you want to play survival, it makes things a lot more enjoyable. It supports MCM so all the options can be toggled right within the game.


RedRocketTV - OMG! Thank you ... I do not know how I missed this, as I did search for a good few days, thinking there had to be something better?


Thanks again .. Exactly what I was looking for. I enjoyed the Survival Mode and the challenge of Sleep - Eat - Drink and such ... it was just the ability to save my Settlement Building in " stages ", in case something didn't look right and/or something screwed up.


Thanks again!!!


.. Jj ...

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