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game froze on load... & has stayed that way


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I've been playing Skyrim on this PC for 762 hours now, with very few crashes. I try to go to Solstheim for the first time, and freeze on load screen. I keep my game saves tidy, so only have about a dozen critical points I can reload to. None of them work unless I'm in a Hearthfire home or the cheaters storage den. BUT- if I try to go outside from either of those places, that game will freeze also. Also- the freeze requires a hard shutdown of my system to get out.

Systemwise- I've had no problems since I built it, & the ONLY thing she does is Skyrim & youtube, so the task manager is not an issue either.

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Thanks for the suggestion. I've tried making a new character 3 times, and all three the carriage goes absolutely nuts.its bouncing all over the place violently, along with the camera view. Then it gets hung up on a tree in the path. I think its even the same tree every time. I fear I may have to un & reinstall my game. Do I have to deactivate all my mods if I end up going that route?

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