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CTDs - Best way to troubleshoot these issues


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Hi all -


I have good system specs, 16gb ram, i5 CPU, gforce 570, Intel SSD, so performance issues are not a concern. What I could use help on is adding mods. I use NMM, but still get CTD's and have reinstalled Skyrim 3 times trying to start off slowly and load better next time. This last time I have less than 7 mods loaded with a the UNP body, a few clothing mods, and one player home and ZERO other textures mods I've tried and keep getting CTDs.


What I'd love to know is the best way to add mods, avoid conflicts and generally have a pain free, CTD-less run of Skyrim. NMM doesnt seem to be enough. Do I need to try another tool, like Waye bash, or change my load order, or visit a page that warns us of buggy mods and avoid them, etc...There are so many mods I'd like to run but CTDs keep me out of the game.


Please advise.


Thank you.

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  On 3/12/2012 at 12:32 AM, cramlow said:

Hi all -


I have good system specs, 16gb ram, i5 CPU, gforce 570, Intel SSD, so performance issues are not a concern. What I could use help on is adding mods. I use NMM, but still get CTD's and have reinstalled Skyrim 3 times trying to start off slowly and load better next time. This last time I have less than 7 mods loaded with a the UNP body, a few clothing mods, and one player home and ZERO other textures mods I've tried and keep getting CTDs.


What I'd love to know is the best way to add mods, avoid conflicts and generally have a pain free, CTD-less run of Skyrim. NMM doesnt seem to be enough. Do I need to try another tool, like Waye bash, or change my load order, or visit a page that warns us of buggy mods and avoid them, etc...There are so many mods I'd like to run but CTDs keep me out of the game.


Please advise.


Thank you.

I know how to fix your problem, but will you help with mine if it works wich I know it will??? OK here is what you need to do... Unpack all of your BSA files "meshes" that will fix your CTD's, and you should get BOSS for skyrim to, it's not your mods it's bethesdas mistake, let me know. Now for my problem if you can help ... I get CTD when I try to take body armor from corpse not boots or gloves just armor???

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Unpacking your Meshes.bsa is probably going to make the game less stable...


First off, if you've overclocked your CPU or GPU or you have a factory overclocked GPU try bumping them down to reference speeds.


Next, Is your SSD a 320, 510, or 520? And are you running the newest firmware available? SSDs are known to be less stable than HDDs all across the board, though most people experiencing issues are the owners of a Sandforce 2281 controlled SSD (the 520 series). While Intel has seen a lot less issues out of their implementation of SF 2281 then many of their competitors (OCZ, Patriot, etc.) there's still a handful of drives out there causing issues ranging from general instability to BSODs every 20 minutes to bricking... If you have an HDD available I'd recommend installing your game to it to see if it clears up the issue. If so, you may have a problem with your SSD.


Third, are you running any background processes that may be interfering with the game? While the Creation Engine seems a lot more forgiving than the Gamebryo Engine it's built on, it may still have issues with waiting it's turn in the command queue (even with 4,6,or even 20 cores...). Try using Game Booster to turn off any unnecessary background processes before running the game.


Fourth, are you on the newest nVidia drivers? If not update them; if so, try out ENBseries AntiFreeze v0096. It's solely a bugfix on the driver level that helps prevent issues hard coded into Skyrim itself. Boris also does a lot of Post Processing work with newer versions of ENBseries while trying to keep it as stable as possible. So, if you're interested in enhancing the overall look of the game newer versions are available on Boris's site and here on the Nexus and there's even hand-made configs of ENBseries (Confident ENB, Superl3 ENB) available here on the Nexus.

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  On 3/14/2012 at 4:19 AM, MShoap13 said:

Unpacking your Meshes.bsa is probably going to make the game less stable...


First off, if you've overclocked your CPU or GPU or you have a factory overclocked GPU try bumping them down to reference speeds.


Next, Is your SSD a 320, 510, or 520? And are you running the newest firmware available? SSDs are known to be less stable than HDDs all across the board, though most people experiencing issues are the owners of a Sandforce 2281 controlled SSD (the 520 series). While Intel has seen a lot less issues out of their implementation of SF 2281 then many of their competitors (OCZ, Patriot, etc.) there's still a handful of drives out there causing issues ranging from general instability to BSODs every 20 minutes to bricking... If you have an HDD available I'd recommend installing your game to it to see if it clears up the issue. If so, you may have a problem with your SSD.


Third, are you running any background processes that may be interfering with the game? While the Creation Engine seems a lot more forgiving than the Gamebryo Engine it's built on, it may still have issues with waiting it's turn in the command queue (even with 4,6,or even 20 cores...). Try using Game Booster to turn off any unnecessary background processes before running the game.


Fourth, are you on the newest nVidia drivers? If not update them; if so, try out ENBseries AntiFreeze v0096. It's solely a bugfix on the driver level that helps prevent issues hard coded into Skyrim itself. Boris also does a lot of Post Processing work with newer versions of ENBseries while trying to keep it as stable as possible. So, if you're interested in enhancing the overall look of the game newer versions are available on Boris's site and here on the Nexus and there's even hand-made configs of ENBseries (Confident ENB, Superl3 ENB) available here on the Nexus.

Yea that all sounds nice and fancy but it's not tru "your first line sorry"your computer will read the files faster and it's the only way to stop the CTD trust me it's just gonna take up a couple of gigs bro, and second, some mods require you to unpack them like in Oblivion, it will not hurt or effect your game in any way it may even run faster ask the thousands of players that had to do this, I wouldn't even be able to play at all right now if I didn't do that, it's the textures you shouldn't unpack, meshes are fine. And one more thing , some players even with all the updates still get crashes and this is the only sure fix . If your worried backup your data folder first, oh and sorry I don't think it actualy unpacks all of them anyway. Sorry I keep forgetting to add stuff It also fixes other problems to. Anyway it worked fine for me and BTW I figerd out my problem.


If you try it and it dosn't work I will punch myself in the face for you,lol

Edited by Sibastion
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  • 2 months later...

i was cruising on this forum looking for a solution about my problem...my skyrim continuosly crashes to desktop because of the mods i've installed...they are not many, about twenty, and i've seen some people manage to run Skyrim with a hundred mods! so i think i do something wrong...every-bloody-time it freakin crashes to desktop...


getting to the point, how do i extract the BSA files (voices, textures, sounds, shaders, misc, meshes, interface, animation... .bsa)? i've got the BSA unpacker, do i just have to extract all the NIF files in the same Skyrim DATA folder? is Skyrim going to read them alright? or do I have to create a new folder?

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