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Modder in the makeing


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The links that Vagrant provided are to the Tes Wiki, which should be on every modder's bookmark list because it contains very valuable information on Oblivion modding.


The way I learned was I just started messing with stuff in the CS; I learned by doing, by screwing stuff up, and learning from my mistakes.

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Yes, you will need to read A LOT to start modding but in a way, that should be VERY comforting to know that so much has been written on the subject...rather than being the 1st ones having to wade through the swamp blind and without any armor or weapons such as tutorials and tools. ;) Modding is painfully easy compared to this time two years ago. Keep this in mind and consider helping future modders by writing tutorials for areas that has out-dated material or simply very little written about it.


My start in modding for Oblivion.


If you are interested in creating new models, here is my advice to new modelers and how to go about getting started modeling.


Here is another location for a general starting point for modding.


And to keep your ambition / goals in check with reality, be sure to read this as well.



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