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[LE] Is it possible to pass an argument to a papyrus script?


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I've written the following script to make a potion restore a percentage of health and it seems to work fine, some precision withstanding, but I'd like to somehow make this script generic and support restoring a percentage of either health, magicka, or stamina, since the only real difference would be the actor value argument changing. However, I don't see anything that would allow me to distinguish what I want to restore. First, I had this.



Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
    Actor player = akTarget
    float magnitude =  GetMagnitude() / 100.0 ;turn to decimal
    int maxHealth = player.GetActorValueMax("Health") as int
    int heal = (maxHealth * magnitude) as int
    debug.notification("Max Health: " + maxHealth + ", Healing For: " + heal)
    player.RestoreActorValue("Health", heal)




One workaround that seems to work ok is to use the skill level required box in the magic effect editor and have a different value (0,1,2) for each effect since I assume that value is not used normally in alchemy. And with that I made this.



Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
    int actorValue = GetBaseObject().GetSkillLevel()
    If actorValue == 0
        RestoreValue(akTarget, "Health")
    ElseIf actorValue == 1
        RestoreValue(akTarget, "Magicka")
    ElseIf actorValue == 2
        RestoreValue(akTarget, "Stamina")

Function RestoreValue(Actor player, string value)
    float percentToRestore =  GetMagnitude() / 100 ;turn to decimal
    int maxValue = player.GetActorValueMax(value) as int
    int restore = (maxValue * percentToRestore) as int
    debug.notification("Max " + value + ":" + maxValue + ", Restored For: " + restore)
    player.RestoreActorValue(value, restore)




But that seems dirty. Is there a way to pass an argument to the script, or some other suggested method?

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Use properties.



string Property sModAV Auto
Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
    Actor player = akTarget
    float magnitude =  GetMagnitude() / 100.0 ;turn to decimal
    int maxAV = player.GetActorValueMax(sModAV) as int
    int modAmount = (maxAV * magnitude) as int
    debug.notification("Max " + sModAV + ": " + maxAV + ", Healing For: " + modAmount)
    player.RestoreActorValue(sModAV, modAmount)


You can then fill in sModAV to be whatever you like, independently on different forms.

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  • String Function
  • Float Function
  • Spell Function
  • Quest Function
  • headpart Function

when your Function isn't Generic it will return an Argument.


Example for a String Function

String Function GetConfidenceString(int nActorValue)

	String[] sConfidence = new String[5]
	sConfidence[0] = "Cowardly"
	sConfidence[1] = "Cautious"
	sConfidence[2] = "Average"
	sConfidence[3] = "Brave"
	sConfidence[4] = "Foolhardy"
	return sConfidence[nActorValue]

String sNewString = GetConfidenceString(GetActorValueInt("Confidence"))

it has pass the value to the sNewString


Is that what you mean?



Not tested for Form or Function just a quickie I wrote


Edit 2

String sNewString = GetConfidenceString(Game.GetPlayer().GetActorValue("Confidence"))

If you can define, you can return it.

String Function GetPapyrusUtilVersion() global

	Int nResult = PapyrusUtil.GetVersion()
	Int nLength = StringUtil.GetLength(nResult As String)
	return StringUtil.Substring(nResult / 10 As Float, 0, nLength + 1)

String Function GetSKSEVersion() global

	return SKSE.GetVersion() + "." + SKSE.GetVersionMinor()  + "." + SKSE.GetVersionBeta()

To show I am more than Strings

Float[] Function SetAngleZ180(Float[] fZAngle) Global

	Int nMax = fZAngle.Length
	While nMax > 0
		nMax -= 1
		fZAngle[nMax] = GetAngleZ180(fZAngle[nMax])
	return fZAngle

Float Function GetAngleZ180(Float fZAngle) global

	If fZAngle > 179
		return fZAngle - 180
	return fZAngle + 180

Int Function ClampInt(Int Value, Int fMin, Int fMax)  global

	If Value > fMax
		return fMax
	ElseIf(Value < fMin)
		return fMin
	return Value

Float Function ClampFloat(Float Value, Int nMin, Int nMax)  global

	If Value > nMax
		return nMax
	ElseIf Value < nMin
		return nMin
	return Value

Edit three


If you look at SKSE / PapryrusUtil one, it will always return the correct Version Installed.

Edited by PeterMartyr
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That's exactly what I needed foamyesque, it works perfectly. Thanks! Sorry PeterMartyr, I think I should have specified passing something to the script from outside of it.

Edited by nav01
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