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Make a follower "Be Lydia"


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Hi, I'm making a follower that is a housecarl at Dragonsreach but I'd like her to appear when the player has defeated Mirmulnir. Essentially I want her to behave like Lydia, give the speech and whatnot. I have managed to make her give the speech but she doesn't arrive when Lydia does. Instead she starts when I pass by Breezehome.


I'm afraid that I will have to edit MQ104 and add her in there like Lydia is in there but I was hoping that I wouldn't have to. Feels like it would cause more conflicts than it would be worth.


I added another xmarker heading close to Lydia's so she has a marker of her own but didn't seem to do much.

Edited by Niborino9409
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I seem to solve my problems after making a thread 99% of the time haha. Or maybe making a thread is what makes me solve it, I don't know. This thread is no longer needed though, it worked without editing the quest.

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I pretty much just copied Lydia's ai package but directed it to a new marker. I don't know if the marker matters, and it didn't seem to work for me but my mod tester said that my follower appeared before Lydia in Dragonsreach.


I also tried on the side to put her as a reference alias in the quest but I don't think that's necessary and didn't seem to do anything so I dropped that idea. Would probably conflict with some mods as well.


Edit: Seems to be mixed results. My tester said that my follower appeared as she should while she didn't for me.

Edited by Niborino9409
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