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Sharing Mods With Papyrus Scripts


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I will preface this with I have only tried to make one mod in my life and it is a very simple one. I shared it on here back in 2015 and got feedback it wasn't working as expected. I made the assumption that everything would be bundled in in the esp file, and apparently was wrong.


I didn't realize the script files were spawned separately. I have since changed computers and didn't back that part up. Last night I opened the esp in Skyrim SE CK, and recreated what I believe was my small 2 line script for my 3 individual quests. So now in addition to the esp I have 3 pex files located in /data/scripts. I tried opening this in vanilla skyrim CK and get ";CODE NOT LOADED", but is the code needed to use the mod with either Skyrim vanilla or SE?


I just want to make sure I share it correctly this time. Basically, should I just bundle the esp and 3 pex files and call it a day?

Edited by Tsyras
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The Creation Kit uses the PSC files. If they are not present, you will get the "CODE NOT LOADED" statement. The game however does not use the PSC files, instead it uses the PEX files. As long as you have the ESP and PEX files, the mod should work fine in-game, provided you have tested that the mod does indeed work as intended.


One thing to note, by default, original Skyrim CK uses PSC files from "Data > Scripts > Source" while SSE CK uses PSC files from "Data > Source > Scripts". You may need to move your SSE version source files to the correct folder for the SSE CK to read them .

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The Creation Kit uses the PSC files. If they are not present, you will get the "CODE NOT LOADED" statement. The game however does not use the PSC files, instead it uses the PEX files. As long as you have the ESP and PEX files, the mod should work fine in-game, provided you have tested that the mod does indeed work as intended.


One thing to note, by default, original Skyrim CK uses PSC files from "Data > Scripts > Source" while SSE CK uses PSC files from "Data > Source > Scripts". You may need to move your SSE version source files to the correct folder for the SSE CK to read them .


Thanks for the info! I was thinking that was how it works, but wanted confirmation before uploading. I have now uploaded the files to my mod, and crossing my fingers it works for everyone now.

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