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Help converting outfit in outfit studio

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Hi, I am not really sure where else to find help but I was hoping maybe someone could either do it for me or help me figure out how. There is this outfit I like, well.. a few of them actually but this one outfit shares the problems the others do. I am really new and watched videos but it didn't really help much with figuring out how to make this outfit work with sse cbbe. I couldn't find anything on why the mesh wouldn't increase when I clicked the increase mesh button in outfit studio. It only moves the whole outfit, this no image covered grey outfit... This is the mod in question https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1204/?tab=1&navtag=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrimspecialedition%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D1204%26preview%3D&pUp=1

This is for personal use only and I have no interests in uploading it anywhere other than maybe my drive to keep for future installs. If someone could please convert it and then maybe tell me how they were able to do so that would be great.


I tried downloading it manually and then unpacking the mesh nifs from the BSA to load in the outfit studio.


EDIT:So a workaround was found for getting the outfit but I still don't know what to do with meshs that wont move to fit the cbbe body in the outfit studio.

Edited by HellKitten133
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It doesn't, but I didn't realize where I was, but you have too remember, the one thing all body shapes have in common is a vanilla neck seam, Plus I like converted body better than new one. I also understand how body partitions works, so all that advice about not mixing stuff doesn't apply to me. The bottom line here is that armor doesn't mix anyway, so wear the full outfit including gloves & there no problem.

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well, I checked the posts for the link and they had one to the se version so I took it manually downloaded it and then manually downloaded the fancy witch re-color and replaced the textures in the witcher 3 se version, I haven't tried it yet but about to. I mean I can only hope it works..

Edited by HellKitten133
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