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Brown face bug, any advice?


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For some reason I have the brown face bug on Lydia and a few other NPCs in Whiterun, I had it ever since I installed Diversity and the Bijin Warmaidens mod. Is there a conflict between the two? It's not that much of a problem but it would be nice if everyone looks normal. :sad:

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It could be. Not sure which diversity mod you;re talking about, but generally NPCs get a black face when there is a mod conflict. Sometimes the conflict doesn't even have to be related to cosmetics - modifying the record of the same NPC would be enough to cause a black face bug.


It would help if you load all your mods into xEdit and see which one is modifying the NPCs. Take a look at Lydia, for example.


The goal here is to make sure that the facegen data and the esp that changes the NPC corresponds to each other.

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@yian I got


  On 10/20/2017 at 6:27 AM, yian said:

It could be. Not sure which diversity mod you;re talking about, but generally NPCs get a black face when there is a mod conflict. Sometimes the conflict doesn't even have to be related to cosmetics - modifying the record of the same NPC would be enough to cause a black face bug.


It would help if you load all your mods into xEdit and see which one is modifying the NPCs. Take a look at Lydia, for example.


The goal here is to make sure that the facegen data and the esp that changes the NPC corresponds to each other.

I got the Diversity NPC Overhaul mod, but I'll check that out xEdit that is maybe it'll help cleaning out the bug. But honestly it's just Lydia and another NPC in Whiterun. Not too bad but I'll try your suggestion. :thumbsup: Thanks!

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