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Pip-Boy Screen Messed Up


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So I did some research, and according to Reddit I'm not the only one to encounter this issue - but no fix was offered anywhere that I looked.


Not my image, but this is exactly what I'm seeing: hkgEwIUP67V9uu8eH7cNZbtMPOIxkDdIGXARxf7C


When I use the right mouse button to move my arm around, the distortion moves too, so it's obviously something graphical. I do use a few Pip-Boy mods, but I'm not sure if that's causing it. Everything was fine when I went to bed last night, and then when I loaded up this morning I got this. Any idea what's going on? It's not game-breaking or anything, just seriously annoying. I can post load order if needed.

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Update: I exited the game to look for a fix, restarted, now everything is fine. I guess it's one of those classic Bethesda things that just pops in to say hi every now and again, like an obnoxious intern.

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